Now I’ve Obtained A Copy Of The Standard, How Do I Go About Reading It?

Annex A of IEC 61508-5 provides introductory material on risk and safety integrity. In IEC 61508-1, the overall safety lifecycle requirements contained in clause 7 are summarized in a lifecycle diagram in figure 2, with an overview of each phase in table 1. In addition, requirements relating to verification, management of functional safety and functional safety assessment are contained in 7.18, clause 6 and clause 8 respectively.

Annex A of IEC 61508-6 gives an eight-page overview of the requirements in IEC 61508-2 and IEC 61508-3.

In IEC 61508-2, the E/E/PES safety lifecycle requirements contained in clause 7 are summarised in a lifecycle diagram in figure 2, with an overview of each phase in table 1. Likewise, in IEC 61508-3, the software safety lifecycle requirements contained in clause 7 are summarised in figure 3 with an overview in table 1.

Any particular requirement of IEC 61508 should be considered in the context of its lifecycle phase (where applicable) and the stated objectives for the requirements of that phase, clause or subclause. The objectives are always stated immediately before the requirements.

This text contains extracts from the IEC Functional Safety Zone. All such extracts are copyright of International Electrotechnical Commission © 2005, IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved. IEC has no responsibility for the placement and context in which the extracts are reproduced. This notice takes precedence over any general copyright statement.




