Getting Started With Security On The NA


This article explains how to work with security on NA HMI pages, in VB code, in Runtime, and how to manage Security using NA System Menu.
For basic information about NA Security please refer to ‘Introduction To Security in The NA’ article.

Security on Pages

Security can be used on any of the objects on a page, and there are two independent settings that can be made:


1. Access Level: The access level sets the level that is required in order to be able to use the object. Taking a button as an example, it is not possible to press the button and therefore trigger any of the events on that button if the user does not have the access level defined.
• When a user does not have access level, the button is greyed out and shown as disabled (unless they also do not have visibility level, see below).

2. Visibility Level: The visibility level controls the ability for the user to see that object on the page. If they do not have the visibility level for a given object, then it will not be displayed or useable during the runtime operation. Obviously to give them access level, you must also make sure they have visibility level.

Security Actions

Buttons can be linked to actions to Login & Logout. No parameters can be specified so when linking to the Login action, this brings up the Login window for the user to add his or her details.


For more advanced use of Login, the user has the ability to write some code.

Security in Code

There are several ways to use the security functions from within code. Firstly there are two routines to use the basics of Login & Logout. There are two ways to use Login. If used without parameters, then the default Login window will be displayed for the user to enter their details. Optionally it is possible to hard code the username and password and get the code to Login automatically.

 It is also possible to find out the username of the current user:


Security at Runtime:

Only one user can be logged in a time. When a new user logs in, any previous user is automatically logged out. If a user fails to login 5 consecutive times, then it will be impossible to log in (as any user) for a period of 10 minutes.
Users can be modified, and new users added and deleted at runtime by using the User Accounts page of NA System Menu.

See Also:

Introduction to the NA series HMI


