Introduction To Recipes On NA


A recipe is a quick way to download a set of parameters for a batch of the products. Templates are configured with sets of ingredients. Each ingredient is linked to a variable and then instances of the recipe can be defined. Selecting a specific instance will load these values into the variables and download to the controller where relevant. To learn more about how to use recipes in NA please read 'Creating And Using Recipes And Templates On NA' article.

NA Recipe features:

• the ability to load a pre-configured recipe from a database csv file
• the ability to manipulate the ingredient values of a recipe once loaded
• the ability to save a modified recipe back to the database
• the ability to create new recipe in the recipe database
• the ability to transfer a recipe to the variables
• the ability to upload a recipe from the variables

The runtime HMI device uses the recipe data that was pre-configured in the IDE and allows further updates to be made.

Recipe Templates and Recipes

To create new Recipe template go to Programming ->Recipe (right click), Add | Recipe

This will create a new blank recipe.
Recipes consist of ‘templates’, ‘ingredients’ and ‘instances’.

Templates: are used to configure the recipe ingredients.

Ingredients: are linked to variables, can have default values as well as maximum and minimum values.

Instances/Recipes: are the sets of distinct values of ingredients as part of the overall template.

Double clicking on a recipe will open the recipe editor:


When viewing the template of a recipe it is possible to add ingredients (use the ‘+’). Each ingredient will contain the following attributes:

- Name - name of the ingredient.
- Variable - name of the GLOBAL tag that this ingredient is associated with in the Controller.
- Default Value – the default value for this ingredient.
- Minimum Value – the minimum value that this ingredient can be set to during runtime operation.
- Maximum Value – the maximum value that this ingredient can be set to during runtime operation.
- Visibility – determines if this ingredient is displayed to the user during runtime operation.
- Editable – determines if this ingredient value can be modified during runtime operation.

See Also:

Introduction to the NA series HMI


