Configuring The NA Settings In Sysmac Studio

All the settings and configuration for the NA Series can be performed from within Sysmac Studio. This means that the settings are stored within the project and can be transferred to the device along with the HMI application. This gives the benefit that from opening the box to running an application can require one simple transfer and no further settings need to be made on the NA itself.

The following categories of settings are included in Sysmac Studio:

- General Settings
- TCP/IP Network
- FTP Server
- NTP Time Server

Note: a System Menu exists on the device. Many of the settings in this chapter are configurable via the System Menu. The System Menu will be displayed when no project is found on the device. Alternatively it is accessed by double tapping in a corner (default is top left, but it is configurable in the settings).

General Settings

There are lots of general settings for the NA:


  • - The startup page is the page displayed when the HMI is first powered on
  • - The startup language controls which resources are first used after power on
  • - A USB keyboard layout to control which keyboard (if any) is connected
  • - An option to automatically log out after inactivity (and the time)
  • - An option to setup the screen saver
  • - The default screen brightness
  • - The System menu is accessed by double tapping in one of the corners as configured.
  • The NA can run a VNC server to allow VNC clients to connect remotely to the device. By default this option is disabled for security reasons. Click ‘use’ to enable this option and configure the port, mode and password. There are two modes; either ‘view and operate’ or ‘view only’.
  • Omron has released an iOS app* for Remote Viewing the NA, NS & NB HMI models.  This can be downloaded free of charge from the app store.
  • This simple app uses VNC technology (for NA) and an integrated web client (for NS & NB). Device configurations can be stored for easy connection at a later date.
  • IP Address, User name, Password and Port are stored for each connection.
  • *the application is initially for iPad and iOS7 only, but iPhone and Android versions are being developed.
  • You can download the iPad app from the iTunes App Store:
  • TCP/IP Network Settings

  • The TCP/IP settings are the usual network settings for a device e.g. IP address, sub net, DNS server. With the NA this needs to be configured for both network ports.
  • FTP Server Settings

  • The NA can be configured to run an FTP server which allows external connections to access the file system. A login name and password must be defined.
  • NTP Settings

  • NTP allows the NA to synchronise its clock with an Internet time server. Click to enable the option and then configure the server and the update interval.
  • FINS Settings

  • Detailed information about FINS is not included in this training book, but the FINS area allows FINS settings to be made for both network ports (network & node number). The port used for FINS communication can be configured as well as a FINS routing table.

  • Please refer to FINS reference material for further information.
  • VNC Settings

  • Using the VNC settings you can view the HMI using Omron's Sysmac Remote Viewer app for IOS and Android:
See Also:

Introduction to the NA series HMI


