How Do I Install The Visual Basic Date Picker Control?

Sometimes it is nice to use some extra controls provided by Microsoft in your CX-Supervisor applications. These can be added using the ActiveX toolbar in CX-Supervisor. However, if you develop on a machine that is different to where you will run the application, you should ensure that the components exist on the target machine. The Microsoft Visual Basic Common controls 2 pack, including the Date Picker control, do not come with Windows but are installed with other Microsoft products such as Visual Basic.


The obvious solution is to install Microsoft Visual Basic on the target machine, however, with the size and licence costs involved you may wish to find a cheaper solution. Visual Basic developers can do this by:

  1. Install the Visual Basic Runtime files
  2. Copy the file MSCOMCT2.OCX to C:\windows\system32 on the target platform
  3. Register the control using a command prompt by typing  regsvr32 C:\windows\system32\mscomct2.ocx
  4. These controls need their licence settings.  From your Visual Studio / Visual Basic install disks copy the file vb6controls.reg from the folder \Extras\VB6 Controls
  5. Double click the REG file on the target machine to activate the settings



