How Do You Restore The "IO Table And Unit Setup" For CJ2M?
On some systems the "IO Table and Unit Setup" option is missing in CX-Programmer for CJ2M PLCs as show below:
CJ1M correctly showing IO Table

CJ2M with IO Table missing
This can be caused by installing standalone non-programming software (like CX-Supervisor, CX-Server Lite or CX-Server OPC) after CX-One, and accidentally reinstalling CX-Server in the process.
The quickest way to resolve this problem is simply to re-install CX-Server from CX-One although in practice the method to do this can vary from machine to machine.
Method 1
- Open Control Panel and select "Programs and Features" (or "Add/Remove Programs" on older operating systems)
- Look for the entry for "Common Components/CPS Updates". Select it and "Uninstall" it
- If there is more than one entry, then you only need to select the one with the latest date. Note the format 1101_0401 means 2011, month 01 (i.e. January), for version 4.01
- If no updates are shown for "Common Components/CPS Updates" move to Method 2
- After uninstallation, reboot if prompted
- Reinstall the autoupdate by either running the "CX-One Autoupdate Tool" or launching from disk if you Downloaded previously
- The IO Table should now be restored
Method 2
- Open Control Panel and select "Programs and Features" (or "Add/Remove Programs" on older operating systems)
- Look for the entry for "CX-Server". Select it and "Uninstall" it
- After uninstallation, reboot if prompted
- Reinstall CX-Server from you CX-One disk by launching
SETUP.EXE in the CX-Server folder
- The IO Table should now be restored
Method 3
- Open Control Panel and select "Programs and Features" (or "Add/Remove Programs" on older operating systems)
- Look for the entry for "CX-One". Select it and "Uninstall" it
- After uninstallation, reboot if prompted
- From the CX-One media, launch the
CX-Remover tool in the Utilities folder
- Reinstall CX-One from your disk
- Run the Autoupdate tool to download and install any available updates
- The IO Table should now be restored
If you still do not have the "IO Table and Unit Setup" after trying this, contact your local Omron office for support or raise a ticket on myOMRON.