Have I Got A Virus?

When you run or install Omron software it is possible for anti-virus software to report a computer virus. Every precaution is taken during manufacture to prevent the spread of viruses so this is unlikely but is also possible to be a false report from the virus software itself.
Checking for a False Positive virus report
If you get a virus report with Omron software you should take the following steps:
  • Inform your local IT administrator (if appropriate)
  • Download the latest virus definitions for the tool you use
  • Perform a full virus scan on your local machine and any installation media
  • If a virus is found, then try installing at least 2 more commercial or freeware anti-virus products and repeat the scan. Trial versions are often available for download and good freeware products are available from AVG and AVAST
  • If a virus is only reported by one tool, report it to the anti virus manufacturer as a False Positive and request updated definition files
  • If a virus is reported by more than one tool, please contact your Omron support centre to request new media
False Positive reports:
Date Tool Remedy
22/05/2022 Sophos MTR Report to Sophos as False Positive and request an updated definition file
13/09/2016 Trend Micro Report to Trend Micro as False Positive and request an updated definition file
05/06/2016 Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2016 Report to Kaspersky as False Positive and request an updated definition file
06/08/2014 F-Secure Anti-Virus Update to the latest definition files
10/03/2010 Protector Plus 2009 Update to the latest definition files
21/10/2008 Avast version 4.8 Home edition Update to the latest definition files
21/08/2006 Kaspersky Update to the latest definition files
21/08/2006 FSecure Update to the latest definition files

Omron takes antivirus protection very seriously and if you still have concerns after reading this article you can raise a question or contact you local support team who will be happy to give your further advice.




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Janae [2011-12-16]