The protocol consists of 10 sequences, numbered 050 to 059 as follows:
Output & Input Words for All Read Sequences
Note: The output words are the middle operand of PMCR and are also known as source words and read words. The input words are the 3rd operand of PMCR and are also known as destination words and write words.
Recommended Method to Perform A Read
Note 2: Never try to read more than 30 items in one message.
Read Operation Example
The master PLC wants to read 3 words of DM starting at DM0123 from slave unit 16. The first output word in the PMCR is set to DM0000. The first input word is set to DM0010.
Output & Input Words for All Write Sequences
Recommended Method to Perform A Write
Write Operation Example
The master PLC wants to write a value of 1234 to DM0200 in slave unit 3. The first output word in the PMCR is set to DM0000. The first input word is set to DM0010.
Timeout & Retry Values
All the sequences have a one second timeout for sending the commands and another one second timeout for receiving the reply. If the sequence times out or an unexpected reply is received the sequence will automatically retry up to two times. After this the sequence will abort.
Attached are several protocol macros for HostLink.
Sequence Number
DM area multiple word read
IR/SR area multiple word read
HR area multiple word read
LR area multiple word read
AR area multiple word read
DM area single word write
IR/SR area single word write
HR area single word write
LR area single word write
AR area single word write
Output & Input Words for All Read Sequences
Note: The output words are the middle operand of PMCR and are also known as source words and read words. The input words are the 3rd operand of PMCR and are also known as destination words and write words.
Output Word
Size of table
Unit number
Start address
0000-max address for memory area
Number of words to read
Input Word
Size of table
Returned by PMCR
End code
0000=OK, see Hostlink manual for error code descriptions
N+2 onwards
Recommended Method to Perform A Read
- Clear word N & N+1 (i.e. set to zero)
- Set up the output words as described in the table above.
- Execute PMCR.
- When PMCR is complete check the value in word N & N+1. If word N remains at zero then there was no response from the slave PLC (i.e. timeout). If word N is 2 then the slave PLC returned an end code that will be stored in word N+1. If word N is greater than 2 and word N+1 is zero, the operation was successful.
Note 2: Never try to read more than 30 items in one message.
Read Operation Example
The master PLC wants to read 3 words of DM starting at DM0123 from slave unit 16. The first output word in the PMCR is set to DM0000. The first input word is set to DM0010.
DM0000= Size of table= 0004
DM0001= Unit number= 0016
DM0002= Start address= 0123
DM0003= Number of words= 0003
After the successful execution of PMCR:
DM0010= Size of table= 0006
DM0011= End code= 0000
DM0012= Value from slave DM0125
DM0013= Value from slave DM0124
DM0014= Value from slave DM0123
Output & Input Words for All Write Sequences
Output Word
Size of table
Unit number
0000-max address for memory area
New value
Input Word
Size of table
Returned by PMCR
End code
0000=OK, see Hostlink manual for error code descriptions
Recommended Method to Perform A Write
- Clear word N & N+1 (i.e. set to zero)
- Set up the output words as described in the table above.
- Execute PMCR.
- When PMCR is complete check the value in word N & N+1. If word N remains at zero then there was no response from the slave PLC (i.e. timeout). If word N is 2 then the slave PLC responded. If N+1 is non-zero the write operation failed. If it is zero the write operation succeeded.
Write Operation Example
The master PLC wants to write a value of 1234 to DM0200 in slave unit 3. The first output word in the PMCR is set to DM0000. The first input word is set to DM0010.
DM0000= Size of table= 0004
DM0001= Unit number= 0003
DM0002= Address= 0200
DM0003= New value= 1234
After the successful execution of PMCR:
DM0010= Size of table= 0002
DM0011= End code= 0000
Timeout & Retry Values
All the sequences have a one second timeout for sending the commands and another one second timeout for receiving the reply. If the sequence times out or an unexpected reply is received the sequence will automatically retry up to two times. After this the sequence will abort.
Attached are several protocol macros for HostLink.