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This tutorial is intended as a supplement to the orginal product manuals. Therefore, use it to familiarise yourself with the product and not as a guide to the complete installation.

Product Information

CX-Integrator is a configuration tool for Omron components in the network. It gives direct access to current software for a selected component. CX-Integrator displays a graphic network. The user can click on the component, and then begin programming or configurating the selected component. The development of CX-Integrator is only in its beginnings. It will become the foundation of all communication with Omron's products and will eventually have more features and more importance through a seamless integration. CX-Integrator with its associated software is called CX-One.

Making contact

CX-Integrator making contact windows screen To connect with a PLC in the network we use these 3 buttons. The left is used to create the PLC. The middle is for configuring the connection, network, CPU, speed, etc.
The right is a button for automatic serial connection. Select the COM port on the PC and the program will take care of the rest. USB-election applies to CPUs with USB port.

Contact Established

CX-Integrator display window

The picture shows that the PC has a direct serial connector on Toolbus with Node (0) on the Net (0).This is the gateway to the other PLCs on Ethernet, Net (1) or operator panels on the CPU Port. Our PLC is Peer (16) on this network. We can also see that the CPU port, is without a defined network.

Target recovery

Target recovery

Right click on Target and a new menu appears. With Mode Setting we can stop the execution of the program in the PLC. The Routing Table is important for network communications. Should you send data through a PLC from one network to another, you need to have added the number of these networks. It is only a few clicks to add numbers on the network. Remember to transfer to the PLC. Typical examples of when this is necessary are the programming of NS at PLC, when several PCs / programs want to communicate with the same PLC, as well as programming of the slave-PLC on DeviceNet. Make it a habit to always add your number on the networks.

Graphic view of the network with CX-Integrator

By right-clicking on the network module a new menu appears. Here you can upload all the PLC and NS-panels on the network and view this as a graphic. Select Connect, it assumes that the network has already been defined in the project tree.New project

Select Transfer and provide the range of node addresses. Each node link requires around 5 sec in latency, providing a good reason to choose all 255!

Ethernet nodes on network

The network in the example to the left has 2 Ethernet Nodes. Node # 16 is a CJ1G and Node # 17 is NS12.
See how the project tree is now displayed.

Project tree

By double-clicking on the PLC, one can now see all the Ethernet modules.

Ethernet modes Right clicking on the NS brings up this menu. Choose Start Special Application. From here you can go directly into CX-Designer and work with the program for the panel.
With a right-click on the PLC, you can go directly to CX-Programmer to program. A double-click on the PLC will open a window to change the parameters of the communications network port.

The examples are shown for when the application is online. You can build the networks offline if desired. Typically this will be for DeviceNet, although DeviceNet can also be uploaded automatically and edited afterwards. 

Component menu The picture shows the component menu. All components here have their CPS files (property files). From the menu you use a drag & drop and build up networks offline with graphical icons. CPS menu is used on any network other than DeviceNet, Profibus and Servo.
Component menu The picture shows the component menu. All components here have their EDS files (property files). From the menu you use a drag & drop and build a DeviceNet with graphical icons. In Vendor folder you can add other suppliers that have components for DeviceNet. These are files that often can be downloaded from the Internet and installed in CX-Integrator.

PLC IO table

In Version 2 of CX-One it is not possible to set up a profibus network in CX-Integrator. Instead, we use IO-Table as shown above, right-click the module we want to set up and start CX-Profibus.


For the configuration of the Servo Drives use the same principle as for Profibus. In other words, do it from the IO table. The program CX-Motion is used against PLC-in-NCFxx. A module for Mechatrolink servo network. The picture shows CX-Motion with 1 piece NCF71 and 2 servo drives on Mechatrolink.

CX-Motion-NCF screen

For the configuration of the NC-cards use CX-Position. A section of the program is shown here.



Compoway / F is Omron's component network. Laser Cells and regulators show clearly in the CPS menu. All configuration and communication can therefore be made in CX-Integrator. This is possible only if the component has been set up with an address and correct communication parameters.

Component menu

PLC routing table

In this picture is the Routing Table. At the top right are the modules 0-15, the Unit 0-15 on the PLC. The PLC can have 16 Units, addressed from 0 to F hexadecimals. There are also modules 225, 252 and 253. These are, respectively, CPU card slot, RS232 port and port programming. All these ports can have their respective network numbers so that the PLC knows where to send data when it receives data on a port and where to route to a different port.

In the left picture is the network structure of 4 networks with a CPU and an overview to the right.

Network structure CPU overview



If we look at the typical example of programming of the NS-panel, we can see the following:
The panel is connected to the PLC RS232 port, therefore the PLC 252 port and the PC are connected to the Ethernet through Unit 0. We are going to have to put numbers on them. Otherwise how would the PLC know which port the data to the panel should be sent through?
We right-click on Unit 00 and Unit 252 and attach them to the networks 1 and 2.

We have now created networks 1 and 2. Transfer this to the PLC in Application Mode. You can then save the layout of the file if you wish.

In the connection window, we put in Network 1 for the Destination. Because the PLC is now online, network 1 PC is usually on the same network. So that the Source is also 1 Node we place a hexadecimal value to the front of the ETN module on the PLC.

Network settings for the ethernet Network settings

Under Driver is the IP address of the PLC. Normally, we have the same Node (16) as the last digits in the IP address. Workstation is the last digit of the IP address of your PC.

CX-Designer Comms Method

Data transfer Here we must choose PC-PLC-NS so that the routing is correct. PC and PLS are on the Ethernet with the same settings as the previous page.
We select the NT Link, and click Set. We will now be able to enter the network number between the PLS and NS, ie 2. The unit is usually 0 when we have only one panel. Serial setting

Why are we doing all of this?

Omron has an advanced network system for sending data over multiple networks. Each data packet sent over the network contains the sender node, the sender network, DATA, the receiving node and the receiving network. Therefore, it is important that all Routing PLCs know where all the packages should be sent and forwarded for it to go to the right network and node.

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Created 2008-11-24
Modified 2008-11-25
Views 14393


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