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Programming With Westermo TD-22

This tutorial is intended as a supplement to the original manuals for the products. Therefore, use it to familiarise yourself with the products and not as a complete installation guide.

Product Information

Westermo's TD-22 is a 11 bit industrial modem with a maximum transmission rate (transfer) and mode flows of between 2400 baud, and a maximum communication speed of 19,200 baud.

Procedure for setting up Westermo TD-22

  • Start up the hyper terminal on the PC.
  • Preferences: Features
    -Connecting with = Direct to COM1 (or another serial port)
    -Configuration = 9600, 7, Equal, 2, No (baud rate, databit, parity, stop bit, flow control)  
  • TD-22 must be set up with a set dip-switch configuration before it is connected to the power
    SW3: 1 = ON, SW4: 2,3,5,8 = ON, SW5: 1.3 = ON.
    The remaining switches should be OFF. This configuration provides the same setup as the hyper terminal.
  • Connect to the modem on the COM port 1 (the same port that is used in the hyper-terminal). The modem does not need to be connected to a phone line.
  • Set up the modem with the following commands:
    AT Checks if the modem is connected.
    AT & F Retrieves the modem settings.
    AT & D0 Indicates use of DTR.
    (AT & K0 Indicates use of flow control *)
    ATS0 = 1 Auto answer on the first ring.
    AT & W Save / layout of EEPROM.
    Each entry provides an OK response from the modem in the hyper terminal window.
  • The modem is now initialized / set up.

* Recommendation for bad telephone lines - Do not connect pins 4 and 5 on the TD-22 with pins 4 and 5 (respectively) on the PLC, even if the cable requires this. 

NB! Recipe was tested on a TD-32 modem with SW5: 4 = ON, instead of 1 and 3. This allows a transmission speed of 9,600 baud between moderate flows, which was previously 2400 baud with TD-22. The following command answers given by connection: TD-32: CONNECT 9600/REL - MNP (or - LAPM) or TD-22: CONNECT 2400/REL - MNP (or - LAPM) Tested against both ports, both on a CQM1-CPU43 and a C200HX-CPU64.

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Created 2008-11-20
Modified 2008-11-21
Views 5464


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