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NS Screen Shift From PLC

This tutorial is intended as a supplement to the original manuals for the products. Therefore, use it as a means to get to familiarise yourself with the product and not as a guide for the complete installation.

When one wants to change screen view on a NS display from the PLC, one must first change the "$ SW Address Allocation (I)" to an address in the PLC (see red circle on the figure right).

Then check what features you want to transfer to PLC (see blue circle on the right figure). Select "Next (N)" twice to get to the "$ SW Allocation Address". You must have checked "Screen (S)". Note that the screen number must be entered in BCD format (# before the number).

Download ENTIRE application to the NS panel and restart it afterwards.

In the example to the right you will now be able to change the screen view in D0 (Serial: DM00000 0) in the PLC.

When the screen is within the NS panel, the current address (D0) will change accordingly. Therefore, flank signal when the change occurs in the PLC (↑, ↓ or @), or set the panel to return to the PLC screen.

NS screen view system settings on PLC

NS Screen shift PLC

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Created 2008-11-13
Modified 2008-11-13
Views 7233


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