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Getting Started With NT2S-SF123B-E

This tutorial is intended as a supplement to the original manuals for the products. Therefore, use this as a means to get to know the product, but not as a complete installation guide. The information in the tutorial is taken from the manual:

The display instruction booklet enclosed with the delivery.

The following registers are reserved by NT display: IR200, IR201, DM0 - DM15 and DM20.
The most important are:

Address/Bit Function Meaning
200.00 LED0 Controls the red light on display
200.01 LED1 Controls the green light on display
200.02-15 Diverse See the instruction booklet for details
201.00 F1REG Specify the status of F1 switch
201.01 F2DATA Specify the status of F2 switch
201.02 F3 Specify the status of F3 switch
201.03 F4 Specify the status of F4 switch
201.04 F5/CLR Specify the status of F5 switch
201.05 F6/ENT Specify the status of F6 switch
DM0000- Register
These 12 registry values will appear in the usual
DM0011 value form on the display
DM0012- bar-graph These 4 registry values will be displayed as a
DM0015 bars bar-graph display
DM0020 screen point From the DM to DM20 points out, and 16 DM forward, the current ASCII text appears

Note: If more than one function key (F1-F6) is held down, the only information that is set is from the first active bit. Ie. ONLY one of the pieces from 201.00 to 201.05 is set at a time! This means that one can not set the menu controls for a user to activate two keys simultaneously. Tip: Use the time function (hours). Here, there are exceptions if you press two keys "simultaneously", but then release the first served key only. 

NT-screen displays pure ASCII text, and has 16 characters on each of the two lines. Each DM contains information about two ASCII characters, and thus 16 DM appear on the screen at once. The easiest way to enter text is to use the data editor in Syswin, which converts the data type into ASCII. This will enter as "text" and be sent down to the PLC afterwards.

Example: DM20 = 500 The content of the DM500 - DM515 will appear on the screen.

NT display panel

After having transmitted the following "text" to the PLC, the NT-screen looks like this:

NT screen

If you are going to show the value that exists in a registry, you can make it into an ASCII value and run code to move it to the right place in the memory. See the PLC manual and the description of the ASC (86). This is not the best solution. Communication between the PLC and NT-dispaly has its own in-built function for viewing and editing / changing of values. It has the ability to show 12 different values (DM0 - DM11) directly. The value of assets 4 (DM12 - DM15) appears as a horizontal bar-graph. If you are going to use the viewing or editing of values from the display, you must enter a two digit hexadecimal number instead of the ASCII character (which also takes two hex digits). Valid values are  00 - 1F, where the lower number indicates the registry (DM0 - DM15) and upper-digit sets the display (0) or editing (1). This figure can be edited which is shown by the flashing of the number. Here it is DM12 - DM15 (bar-graph) that can be edited, shown by these figures. When a character has hex-code 0x (x = C to F), a bar-graph is shown displaying how many codes that are set apart by the length of the bar-graph. Each character has a resolution of 5 pixels in width (horizontal). An example is set for 16 pcs as in a row (a solid line), the DM15 could vary between 0 and 80!  If it exceeds this value, the top character will be replaced with a flashing arrow key. A comma in the view / editing is just one set in between where you want. Hex code for the comma is 2E. Example: 200A0A2E0A20 => "23.4" if DM10 =? 234 Any leading zeros will be displayed!

An Example of editing and displaying the registry value: DM20 = 500.

Wanting to see and edit the contents of DM10, will give the following view:

The number left is a display, while the number on the right can be edited.

Editing registry

Editing registry

The two data windows show the same DM area, as shown in ASCII form at the top and HEX form at the bottom. The figure also tries to define the relationship between the two matters. Note that the space character has ASCII value 20 in HEX form.


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Created 2008-11-13
Modified 2016-05-13
Views 5725


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