- 1) The relevant database file is missing or corrupt, CX-MXX.mdb, where XX is the two letter language code below;
GB English language
JP Japanese language
FR French language
DE German language
IT Italian language
ES Spanish language
Please re-install CX-Motion in this case, ensuring that you select the correct language options (European version only).
- 2) There is a problem with international/local settings in CX-Motion V1.
The characters used to represent a decimal separator or an addition sign (plus) etc. can be changed under the Windows(tm) operating systems. CX-Motion only works with English settings or equivalent (i.e. English, US, etc.). This means "." (dot) for decimal separator, "+" for addition etc. This is being addressed in version 2. For the time being the user must select the British (English) or equivalent setting.