This is a quick start tutorial on how to get the data exchange between NX-Safety and Standard NX-I/Os (Analog, Digital and Temperature units) with a NX-EIC202 (Ethernet/IP Coupler) using Sysmac Studio.
Hardware Configuration
For this tutorial an example is given using the following hardware configuration:
Hardware |
NX-EIC202 |
NX-SL3300 |
NX-SIH400 |
NX-SID800 |
NX-SOD400 |
NX-SOH200 |
NX-ID3443 |
NX-OD3256 |
NX-AD2203 |
NX-DA2605 |
How to configure the data exchange between NX-Safety and Standard NX-IO
This paragraph describes step-by-step how to use Sysmac Studio in order to configure NX-Safety I/O and Standard NX-I/O using NX-EIC202.
Step 1: Start a new Sysmac Studio project.
Step 2: Select "Slave Terminal" in the Category selection and "EtherNet/IP Coupler" as Device.
Step 3: Add several different NX I/O, Safety IN / OUT, Analog IN / OUT and Digital IN / OUT as shown in the image below.
Step 2: Go to the Safety section in Sysmac Studio.
Step 3: In the safety section you have direct access to all NX-Safety Modules.
Step 4: To get access to all other standard NX I/O's you must first create the variables to be used in the Safety program. You can create the variables in the Exposed Variables tab.
Step 5: Connect the variables to the NX I/O devices by open the Standard I/O section and choose the connected NX Device and which Linked Port It should use.
Step 6: Now you can create your safety project with standard NX I/O devices as shown below.
Specifications for I/O Data Allocations in Slave Terminals
The following limitations apply to I/O data allocations for the entire Slave Terminal:
Item | Input data | Output data |
Number of I/O entry mappings | 255 | 255 |
EtherNet/IP maximum I/O connection size | 504 bytes | 504 bytes |
Allocatable I/O data points | Maximum of 4,000 points total for both inputs and outputs |
The content of this article is based on Sysmac Studio version 1.11.
Related Manuals
Manual name | Cat. No. |
NX-series EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit User’s Manual | W536 |
NX-series Digital I/O Units User’s Manual | W521 |
NX-series Analog I/O Units User’s Manual | W522 |
NX-series Safety Control Unit User’s Manual | Z930 |
Related Article(s)
Please read the following article How To Configure EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit for detailed information about using Tag Data Links with NX-EIC202 and CJ-series EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port.