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How To Configure EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit

This article provides a general overview of the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit configuration procedure when used with a CJ Series EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port. More detail can be found in the attached manual NX Series EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit User's Manual (Cat No. W536-E1-01). Example project files are also attached.
In this article the following terms will be used.
  • Slave Terminal: A building-block remote I/O terminal that includes an EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit, one or more NX Units, and an End Cover.
  • Master: An EtherNet/IP Unit such as a CJ1W-EIP21 or built-in EtherNet/IP port of a CJ2H-CPU6 or CJ2M-CPU3.
  • EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit: An interface unit for remote I/O communications on a network between NX Units and a host network EtherNet/IP master. 
  • NX Units: An I/O or System Unit connected to the bus of an EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit.
  • I/O Allocation: The configuration that determines the amount of data that is exchanged with the EtherNet/IP master during normal I/O refreshing 
The EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit is a device that communicates with an EtherNet/IP master unit such as an CJ1W-EIP21 Unit or a built-in EtherNet/IP port on a CPU (CJ2M-CPU3, CJ2H-CPU6) as well as mounted NX-units. The EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit simply acts as a protocol converter to translate messages to and from an EtherNet/IP master and the NX Series I/O bus.

During normal EtherNet/IP communications, the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit exchanges a fixed amount of data for every EtherNet/IP communications cycle. The size of data that is exchanged is based on the NX Units that are connected. The image below provides an example of two different configurations and the amount of data each will exchange for a default configuration.

Important Configuration Information

It is important to establish the Slave Terminal's NX Unit arrangement before the configuration procedure is started. Adjustment of the NX Unit types and/or arrangement typically affects Tag Data Links and Network Variables, so ensure the NX Unit type and mounting position is determined before beginning the configuration procedure.

It is also important to understand that the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit stores the I/O allocation and settings for all connected NX Units to allow quick replacement of NX Units without the need for configuration software. When an EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit is powered on, it detects connected NX Units upon initialization. When a new NX Unit is detected, it automatically sets default I/O allocations and settings for that Unit based on type and slot position. If non-default I/O allocations or settings are required, use Sysmac Studio to make the necessary adjustments (which are also stored in the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit). Adding, removing or rearranging NX Units on a previously configured Slave Terminal will likely change the I/O allocation, which will require adjustments to Tag Data Links and Network Variables.


Basic Configuration Procedure

There are two methods to configure the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit.

  • Automatic configuration without Sysmac Studio software
  • Custom Slave Terminal configuration with Sysmac Studio software (Why? See below.)

Each of the above methods also require configuration of the EtherNet/IP Master Unit. This includes settings within CX-Programmer and Network Configurator for EtherNet/IP. 

The basic configuration steps are as follows (other steps may be required for additional functionality). 

  1. Make hardware switch settings and wire the slave terminal.
  2. *Configure the Slave Terminal's I/O allocation and settings.
  3. Determine the Input bytes and Output bytes to be exchanged with the EtherNet/IP Master based on the configuration.
  4. Set the Tag Data Links in the EtherNet/IP Master.
  5. Assign Network Variables in the CJ PLC.

*NOTE: This step is only necessary when a non-default configuration is used. 

Configuration Procedure Details

The following procedure will allow the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit to exchange I/O data with an EtherNet/IP master in a non-default configuration. If a default configuration is used, skip step 2 below.

Step 1

After determining the selection and arrangement of the NX Units, install and wire the Slave Terminal according to the details provided in the NX Series EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit User's Manual (Cat No. W536-E1-01). There are dip switches and rotary switches that need to be set before applying power.

The rotary switches set the last octet of the IP address for the unit. The following rotary switch settings will affect the IP address of the Slave Terminal as shown below.

  • Setting 00 = Allows free setting of the IP address by software using Network Configurator for EtherNet/IP (see step 4). 
  • Setting 01 to FE = This setting becomes last octet of the IP address. Dip switch 4 determines the first 3 octets.
  • Setting FF = Default IP address is used.

Dip switch 4 sets the IP address base setting. Switches 1 and 2 are reserved by the system (the factory setting is OFF and they should remain in this position).

  • Setting switch 4 ON: 192.168.1. is used and the  will be set by the rotary switches.
  • Setting switch 4 OFF: 192.168.250. is used and the  will be set by the rotary switches.
Step 2

Configuration of the Slave Terminal's I/O allocations and settings are necessary when non-default adjustments are required (Why? See below). Use Sysmac Studio to make these settings and then download them to the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit. Make the following adjustments with Sysmac Studio.

  1. The number and order of NX Units mounted to the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit. This can be uploaded from an existing Slave Terminal or manually entered using Sysmac Studio.
  2. EtherNet/IP Coupler settings such as the device's name, additional I/O allocation for the Unit, operation settings, NX Unit connection time and the serial number check method.
  3. NX Unit settings such as device names, mounting setting, additional I/O allocation for the Unit (some simple NX Units do not have this) and Unit operation settings.

After these settings are established, transfer to the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit via the USB connection.

Step 3

The Slave Terminal's input bytes and output bytes are used to set the Tag Data Links in step 4. This is based on the configuration established in step 2 can be discovered in one of two ways:

  1. Examine the I/O allocation with Sysmac Studio. In the Multiview Explorer, right-click the EtherNet/IP Coupler and select Display I/O Allocation from the menu.

  1. View the I/O allocation with Network Configurator for EtherNet/IP. Upload from the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit and examine the parameters.

Step 4

The Tag Data Links need to be set to match the actual Slave Terminal's hardware and parameter configuration. Use the following procedure to create the appropriate Tag Data Links using Network Configurator for EtherNet/IP.

  1. Create a network configuration.
  2. Create the Tag and Tag Set connections.
  3. Download the Tag Data Link parameters.
  4. Confirm operation using the LED indicators on the EtherNet/IP Unit's master and the Network Configurator for EtherNet/IP's monitor function.

The IP address of the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit can also be set using Network Configurator for EtherNet/IP if the rotary switch is set to 00. Use the default IP address to establish an initial connection to the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit, then Select Tools - Setup TCP/IP Configuration to display the Setup TCP/IP Configuration Dialog Box and set the TCP/IP Configuration for the target device.

Step 5

Network Variables need to be established in the CJ PLC in order to exchange I/O data between the EtherNet/IP Master and the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit. These variables can be created in two ways:

  1. Manually create the network variables in CX-Programmer to match the configuration established in step 4.
  2. Import the Network Variables into CX-Programmer after exporting from Network Configurator for EtherNet/IP. 

Additionally, Network Variables can be imported into Network Configurator for EtherNet/IP after exporting from CX-Programmer.   

Additional Information

The EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit supports additional functions that can be used for advanced applications. 

NTP Server Settings

The EtherNEt/IP Coupler Unit supports automatic internal clock adjustment via an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server. This internal clock is used to apply accurate time stamp information to any event that occurs which can be helpful for diagnostics.

If the clock information cannot be retrieved from an NTP server, Sysmac Studio displays a default time stamp of 1970/1/1 0:00:00 for all events.

Set the internal clock NTP setting with Network Configurator. The Device Parameters area can be accessed by double-clicking the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit in the network or right-clicking the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit and selecting Parameter - Edit.

TCP/IP and UDP/IP Message Service Interface

The EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit supports a message service interface alternative to the standard EtherNet/IP Tag Data Link interface only when a Safety Control Unit is included in the Slave Terminal. Message services can be used to send/receive data between general-purpose applications and Slave Terminals. You can use these communications services to send and receive any data to and from remote nodes, i.e., between host computers and Slave Terminals. 

A device that supports explicit messaging with TCP/IP or UDP/IP protocol can access CIP objects in the EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit to issue request commands. Refer to the attached EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit User's Manual for more information about the TCP/IP and UDP/IP message service interface.  

When would a custom Slave Terminal configuration be required?

Certain NX Units allow extra information to be exchanged over the EtherNet/IP network. For example, the incremental encoder input unit can also exchange channel pulse rate, internal latch data, pulse period measured values and time stamp information, but not by default. Also, Slave Terminal status information is not exchanged by default and if this is required, a custom configuration is necessary. Check the appropriate NX Unit User's manual for more information about default functions and information that can be exchanged.


*These details and references were made in December 2014. Newer versions may operate and function differently. Contact your local Omron representative for more information about newer versions. 



CX-Programmer.cxp - Size: 5380
myOmron_Example.smc2 - Size: 9347
Net_Config.nvf - Size: 7751

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Created 2014-08-25
Modified 2015-01-13
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