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How To Analyse The EtherCAT Network Connected To The NJ Using Sysmac Studio


This article explains how to use Sysmac Studio to analyze the network connected to the EtherCAT port of the NJ Series and creating .cap files if required.

Sysmac Studio contains the functionality to analyze the network connected to the EtherCAT port of the NJ and generate a report. Two features are implemented to analyze the EtherCAT network, resp. Diagnosis / Statistics Information and Packet Monitor. Both features are accessible when Sysmac Studio is online with the NJ Machine Controller.

Diagnosis / Statistics Information

The Diagnosis / Statistics Information window can be accessed by going online with the NJ Machine Controller and opening the EtherCAT tab in Sysmac Studio as shown below.

The Diagnosis / Statistics Information consists out of two sections; Master- and Slave Diagnosis / Statistics. The Master Diagnosis / Statistics tab provides essential information about the EtherCAT network performance of the NJ Machine Controller such as total Frame Sent / Received and more vital information about the data traffic.

The Slave Diagnosis / Statistics tab provides a simple yet effective overview of all connected slave devices and visualizes where Error Frames are detected at specific Ports. Using this functionality offers a good method to detect for example excessive noise near a specific EtherCAT slave device that affects the EtherCAT data frames.

The information shown in both tabs can be updated by using the 'Update' button.

The Master- and Slave Diagnosis / Statistics Information can be exported to a .csv file by using the 'Output File' button.

Packet Monitor

Sysmac Studio offers besides the Diagnosis / Statistics Information also the possibility to create a .cap log file that can be opened with software such as Wireshark. This feature is called Packet Monitor and can be accessed in a similar way such as the Diagnosis / Statistics Information window as shown below.

The Packet Monitor window provides features to start-, stop logging and save the .cap log file as shown below.

  • 1. Data capture stopped

  • 2. Data capture started

  • 3. Save logged data as .cap file to the designated location.

  • 4. Opened the saved .cap file using Wireshark.

Additional Information

Wireshark can be downloaded from the Wireshark homepage

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Created 2014-07-28
Modified 2014-07-31
Views 7466


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