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Introduction To NA System Menu


This article explains the NA System Menu that can be accessed on the NA by double tapping the top left hand corner of the screen (by default although screen corner is configurable). The System Menu can be used to configure many of the settings from the Configuration & Setup page of Sysmac Studio, but directly on the NA. For more information on how to configure and setup your NA in Sysmac Studio please read the article Configuring The NA Settings In Sysmac Studio

System Menu Sections

There are two main sections to the System Menu.

  1. A project System Menu
  2. A device System Menu

When the NA does not contain a project, it will automatically show the Device System Menu when powered on.


When NA contains a project, then it will show the Project System Menu when the user double taps the corner of the screen. The Device System Menu can be accessed form Project System Menu .

Device System menu

The following areas are the main areas that can be configured from the Device System Menu:

Date & Time Settings

·         Date

·         Time

·         Time zone (including Day light saving)

·         Use of NTP server

Language Settings

·         System Menu Language

Interface Settings

·         TCP/IP settings

·         FTP settings

·         VNC Settings

·         FINS Settings

Brightness Settings

·         Screen Brightness

Transfer Operations

·         Transfer application to HMI

·         Transfer application from HMI*

·         Transfer data to HMI

·         Transfer data from HMI*

Hardware Diagnostics

·         Screen Calibration

·         Touch panel test

·         Function keys

·         Hardware information

Product Information

·         Hardware information


Project System Menu

The following areas are the main areas that can be configured from the Device System Menu:

Display Settings

·         Screen Saver

·         Brightness

Language Settings

·         System Menu Language

·         User Language

·         System Language

·         USB Keyboard layout

External Device Settings

·         Communication Driver

·         Communication Error Indicator

·         Timeout

User Accounts

·         User Accounts & Passwords

·         Add new accounts

·         Remove accounts

Alarm Viewer

·         View Active Alarms

o    View Alarm Details

o    Acknowledge Alarms

·         View Historical Alarms

o    Export Alarms

o    Clear Alarm Log

System Menu Settings

·         Double tap speed

·         Detectable corner (default top left)

NA Device Configuration

·         Launch the ‘Device System Menu’


Selected System Menu Areas

1. Transfer Operations (Device System Menu)
• Transfer user program To/From HMI

The project file can be created in Sysmac Studio by going to the HMI menu and choosing Transfer to Media Device option.
Once created, the file can be easily distributed around many NAs with SD card or USB stick by using the Device System Menu.
The user program can be also transferred directly from HMI to an SD card or USB stick, and used for distribution around other NA devices.


• Transfer Data To/From HMI

Documents, images and videos can be uploaded from and downloaded to NA using the following transfer screens. USB and SD card can be used


2. User Accounts (Project System Menu)

In this area you can add new users, assign roles to them and add comments.

Note: You cannot create new roles in System Menu

3. External Device Settings (Project System Menu)

In this view you are able to see all the devices that NA is set up to communicate with.

Note: all the fields in External Device area are read only.

See Also:

Introduction to the NA series HMI

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Created 2014-06-30
Modified 2015-04-08
Views 9550


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