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Introduction To The NA Development Environment


This article introduces the window layout used in the NA HMI development within Sysmac Studio.

For those familiar with Sysmac Studio, the NA development area will feel very familiar. New window panes are added from the ‘View’ menu at the top. The ‘Reset Window Layout’ will put these Windows in their default places if you mess things up.



The default window layout is shown here with the explorer panes on the left, the textual feedback panes at the bottom, the development in the middle and the toolboxes and properties on the right.


Multiview Explorer


The Multiview explorer is the main control panel for the NA (and any project within Sysmac Studio). The Multiview explorer is usually located on the left of Sysmac Studio.

The Multiview explorer has 2 sections, one for Configuration and Setup, the other for the programming of your NA HMI. The top dropdown box allows you to switch between the different devices in your project.

The Configuration and Setup as you might expect contains all the settings for the HMI including communication, communication with controllers, language and security. For more information on these settings go to the artcle ‘Configuring the NA Settings in Sysmac Studio’.

The HMI section of the Multiview explorer is all related to how you want your NA project to work. It includes the actual pages, alarms, Data logging, Events, Variables, Global code and Resources.


Page Explorer

The Page explorer, usually located on the left of Sysmac Studio, shows all the objects on each page allowing you to edit properties and move objects even when they are inside a group or an IAG. It also allows you to select objects that are behind others and even bring them to the front of the view.

The objects on this list are stacked from the top down – i.e. the higher up the list the nearer the back it is on the page. If you want to move an item so it is not covered by another, just move it down to be lower than the other item in this list.

You can read more about using the page explorer and other page control in the Introduction To Pages Article


Code Explorer

The code explorer gives an overview to all the code used in the project and is usually located on the left of Sysmac Studio. As there are many places code can be stored such as behind multiple pages and in many Subroutine groups, the code Explorer can help to view your project code from a single place.




The toolbox is the source of all of your on page objects, this is usually located on the right of Sysmac studio. You can simply drag objects from here onto the page in order to use them.

You can read more about the Toolbox in the Introduction to The Toolbox Article.




The properties are usually located on the right of Sysmac Studio and will always show the properties for the currently selected item (either on the page or in page explorer). The properties will vary depending on what is currently selected from the actual page to simple or complex page objects.




The animations pane allows you to add visual changes or movements to on page objects. The animation pane is usually on the right of Sysmac Studio.

The animation will show any animations for the currently selected object. Each object can have multiple animations added to it.


Events and Actions

Each object can have events and actions associated with it, these events are triggered by the object being used, e.g. clicked, value changed etc. The pane for events and actions is usually on the right of Sysmac Studio.

For each event you can choose one or more actions to trigger as a result.

If an object is capable of generating more than one event you can handle any or all of these.

For more information on handling object events, see the Understanding NA Page Object Events And Actions article 

See Also:

Introduction to the NA series HMI

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Created 2014-06-17
Modified 2015-04-08
Views 8508


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