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How Do I Assign An Address To Functional Objects In CX-Designer?

In CX-Designer you can assign address to the different functional objects in a very easy way.

CX-Designer allows you to work with addresses or symbols. Symbols are very easy and can be dragged and dropped from the symbol table to the address field.
If you want to fill in an address for an object you can use the address field in the toolbar.

This address field shows you first the host name and then the address as follows:
ex: SERIALA:00020

However you do not need to enter the host name here if you want to assign an address. Just select the Host name in the Host name selection box in the edit toolbar and fill in the address in the address field. So just enter 20 in the address field. It is that easy!

This feature is currently not supported for PTMEM memory.

Assigning addresses


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Created 2008-10-21
Modified 2008-12-15
Views 5259


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