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Synchronize NS Clock With NJ Clock Using SAP


This is a quick start tutorial on how to get the clock synchronized between the NS HMI and the Sysmac NJ Series controller, using SAP (Smart Active Parts). This tutorial applies to all NS HMI models and NJ controllers.

Works with Ethernet and CJ1W-SCU units. 

Settings for NJ

All that has to be set in the NJ via Sysmac Studio is the IP-Address.



In this example:


Subnet mask:


Save and synchronize the application with the NJ controller


Settings for NS

In CX-Designer you set up the IP-Address of the NS and add the HOST (NJ).

Step 1: Set up the NS IP-Address via PT->Communication Settings... Click on Ethernet and set up the settings.

In this example:


Subnet mask:

Node: 2

Step 2: Right click on Ethernet and chose Add.  Then select the Host Type to SYSMAC-NJ, then add the IP-Address of the NJ.


In this example:


After the communication settings has been done add the SAP that OMRON has provide within CX-Designer. All SAP's can be found under Tools->Library...

In this tutorial we will show this to SAPs.

_PLC022_10_Date & Time setting (NS has the control over the clock and sends the information to the NJ)

_PLC023_10_Date and Time synchronization (NS synchronizes the clock information from the NJ)

Settings of the SAPs

_PLC022_10_Date & Time setting and _PLC023_10_Date and Time synchronization has the same settings. Just choose the destination host (the NJ).


Download to the application to the controller and to the HMI.

You will see if the synchronization works or not. 



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Created 2014-04-15
Modified 2014-08-12
Views 7184


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