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How To Connect NB HMI To A Trajexia Motion Controller


This article is related to the article NB HMI and Connecting Peripheral Devices and explains how connection can be established between NB series terminal and Omron Trajexia series motion controller via Host link (RS232) and Modbus TCP (Ethernet).


1. Connection method Host link (RS232)

  • a. Wiring diagram
  • b. PT property
  • c. PLC property
    d. Trajexia settings
    e. Memory allocation

2. Connection method Modbus TCP (Ethernet)

  • a. Device overview
  • b. PT property
    c. PLC property
    d. Network settings
    e. Trajexia settings
    f. Memory allocation

1. Connection method Host link (RS232)

Host Link (RS232C)
NB connected to Trajexia through COM1/RS232 (Host Link)

Start NB-designer, create a new program, drag and drop the NB and a C-series PLC on the “Project Structure Window”. Connect with the Serial connection line the C-series PLC to the COM1 port of the NB.



a. Wiring diagram

NB pin 2 (SD) to Trajexia pin 3 (Rx)
NB pin 3 (RD) to Trajexia pin 2 (Sx)
NB pin 9 (SG) to Trajexia pin 9 (0V)

In order to avoid malfunctions caused by interferences, shield the cables properly.


b. PT property

Double click on the NB in the “Project Structure Window” to open the PT property.
Select the ‘COM1 Settings’ tab and set the Host Link Communication settings to Type (RS232), Baud Rate (38400), Data Bit (7), Parity Check (Even) and Stop Bit to (2).

Note: Trajexia Host link communication speed is limited to 38400 bps.  

c. PLC property

Double click on the C-series PLC in the “Project Structure Window” to open the PLC property.
Set the Station No. to (0) in the PLC tab.


d. Trajexia settings

Create a new project with CX-Motion Pro or Trajexia Studio, press the button Device right in the Solution Explorer window and add the TJ Controller.

Set the IP address for communication with the Trajexia controller in the range of your PC. Default for the Trajexia controller is IP address

Set the communication parameters for connected to the NB HMI in the SHELL or Program:


Create in User-defined Tables a Table memory.

Build, Compile and download the project into the Trajexia. Restart the Trajexia so the settings are active and run the SHELL or Program that set the communication parameters for the communication with the NB HMI.


e. Memory allocation

The allocation of the VR bits is CIO_IR_bit, VR words is CIO_IR_word and for the Table memory is D.

Note: CIO_IR-word addresses are limited to 511 and D addresses are limited to 6655 (OMRON C Series protocol).

In the example program for the NB HMI there are 5 Toggle bits and lamps programmed for VR bits 0.00 to 0.04. For the VR area are 5 words beginning from VR10 and the first 25 Table words as example in the program.

Compile and download the NB HMI example program into the NB. Connect the cables with the Trajexia and communication must be established.


2. Connection method Modbus TCP (Ethernet)

Ethernet (MODBUS/TCP)
NB connected to Trajexia through Ethernet (MODBUS/TCP)


a. Device overview

In order to avoid malfunctions caused by interferences, use shielded cables.


b. PT property

Start NB-designer, create a new program, drag and drop the NB (*TW001) and a Modbus TCP Slave on the “Project Structure Window”.

Double click on the NB in the “Project Structure Window” to open the PT property.
Select the ‘PT’ tab and set the IP address to ( and the Subnet Mask to (


c. PLC property

Double click on the Modbus TCP Slave (PLC0) in the “Project Structure Window” to open the PLC property. Set the IP address to (, Port (502) and the Station No to (250) in the PLC tab.


d. Network settings

In NB-Designer double click on the NB in the “Project Structure Window” to open the PT property.
Select the ‘PT’ tab and select ‘Communication Settings’.

Add a Device, set Device Type to (PT), Device No. (HMI0), IP Address (, Comm Protocol (Modbus TCP) and Port Num: (502).

Add a Device, set Device Type to (PLC), Device No. (PLC0), IP Address (, Port Num: (502) and Station NO to (250).


e. Trajexia settings

Create a new project with CX-Motion Pro or Trajexia Studio, press the button Device right in the Solution Explorer window and add the TJ1 or TJ2 Controller.

Set the IP address for communication with the Trajexia controller in the range of your PC. Default for the Trajexia controller is IP address

Create in User-defined Tables a Table memory.

For reading / writing into the VR/Table area the Ethernet parameters needs to be changed in the Trajexia. This swap between the areas can be done in the program.

For reading / writing into the VR area the Ethernet parameters needs to set to

Set the Ethernet parameters for VR area selection in the SHELL or Program:

For reading / writing into the Table area the Ethernet parameters needs to set to

Set the Ethernet parameters for Table area selection in the SHELL or Program:

For setting the data type to 32bit data type IEEE Floating point just add in the second line.

For more detailed information ETHERNET commands see the Trajexia controller programming manual.


f. Memory allocation

Selection of VR/Table area is done by Ethernet parameters in the Trajexia. Reading / writing through Modbus/TCP addresses are 4X for words and 4X_bit for bits.
There is an offset of +1 regarding the addresses. VR/Table word 0 = 4X1 and for the VR/Table bits 0.00 = 4X_bit 1.00.

In the example program for the NB HMI there are 5 Toggle bits and lamps programmed for VR/Table bits 0.00 to 0.04. For the VR/Table area are the first 25 VR/Table words as example in the program.

Compile and download the NB HMI example program into the NB. Connect the cables with the Trajexia and communication must be established.
The presenting of the VR or Table data is depending on the Ethernet setting in the Trajexia.



Programmable Terminals Host Connection Manual (Cat. No. V108)
Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual (Cat. No. V106)
Programmable Terminals Setup Manual (Cat. No. V107)
Programmable Terminals Startup Guide Manual (Cat. No. V109)

NB-series Manuals (included in NB-designer)

Trajexia TJ1:
Trajexia motion control system Hardware Reference Manual (Cat. No. I51E)
Trajexia motion control system Programming Manual (Cat. No. I52E)

Trajexia TJ2:
Trajexia machine control system Hardware Reference Manual (Cat. No. I57E)
Trajexia machine control system Programming Manual (Cat. No. I58E)

Trajexia-series Manuals (included in Trajexia Studio and CX-Motion Pro)


Requirements for Program and Firmware versions:

- NB-Designer version 1.36
- Trajexia Studio or CX-Motion Pro with version
- For TJ2 Host Link connections min. requirement for firmware is 2.0248 or higher. Please contact your local Omron office for more information.


Attached example Programs

- NB connected to Trajexia -> NB-Designer file with Host link connection example.
- NB connected to Trajexia -> NB-Designer file with Modbus TCP connection example.
- NB connected to Trajexia TJ1 -> Trajexia configuration file for Host Link
- NB connected to Trajexia TJ1 -> Trajexia configuration file for Modbus TCP


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Created 2013-04-24
Modified 2015-04-01
Views 12189


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