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Using CP1 Control For SmartStep2 Servos

This document describes the procedure to configure and connect a CP1L-M30 PLC to a SmartStep2 servo system for simple motion control. This example is intended for a new CP1/SmartStep2 user and illustrates easy programming and configuration for simple servo motion control of a new system.

To learn more about a CP1 PLC and SmartStep2 servo control solution on a real pack stacking machine, click the link below.

This document contains the following sections:

  • Overview
  • Wiring and connections
  • PLC program and configuration

The example provided below uses the CP1L-M30 PLC high-speed pulse output 0 for speed and position control of the SmartStep2 servo motor system. Included PLC instructions for the CP1L allow functions such as Origin, Jogging, Relative Moves and Absolute Moves. Other CP1 models also support this type of control but some differences exist such as wiring and availability of pulse outputs.

A basic CX-Programmer ladder logic example is provided and detailed for this tutorial. Typically, an HMI or other external user input device is needed for real application, but this tutorial does not cover such detail and only includes simplified programming for trial operation. 

Wiring and Connections
The 100W, 200W and 400W SmartStep2 servomotor system should use the R7A-FIB104-RE footprint RFI filter. The R7D-BP0□□ servomotor amplifier should be attached to this filter using the supplied M4 screws.

1. Connect a 230VAC supply to the filter, as shown in the diagram above, ensuring that an earth connection is made to the M4 stud behind the terminal block.

2. Connect the output power connector from the filter into ‘CNA’ of the servo amplifier. Attach the flying earth cable eyelet to one of the two earthing screws to the left side of this connector.

3. Attach the motor encoder cable (R88A-CRGB001-5CR-E) between terminal ‘CN2’ of the servo amplifier and the short flying cable at the rear of the servomotor.

4. Attach the motor power cable (R88A-CAB001-5SR-E) between terminal ‘CNB’ of the servo amplifier and the short flying cable nearer the shaft end of the servomotor.

5. Attach the control I/O cable (R7A-CPB001S) into terminal ‘CN1’ of the servo amplifier and secure the retaining screws.


Connecting the control I/O signals between the SmartStep2 and PLC

The PLC provides output signals to the SmartStep2 for RUN, RESET, ECRST (deviation counter reset), CW (clockwise pulses) and CCW (counter-clockwise pulses). The SmartStep2 provides the following signals back to the PLC; ALM (alarm condition, normally closed), INP (positioning completed) and Z (encoder Z phase). For 100W, 200W and 400W SmartStep2 servo amplifiers, these output signals are NPN only. To accommodate this, the PLC inputs are wired accordingly as NPN (sinking), i.e., for the inputs, the commons are connected to +24VDC. The output signals from the PLC to the SmartStep2 are wired as PNP or NPN, depending on the CP1L model selected (CP1L-M□□DT-D has NPN outputs, CP1L-M□□DT1-D has PNP outputs). Wiring diagrams for both configurations are shown below. Be sure to follow the correct one for your selected CP1L.

The CW (clockwise) and CCW (counter-clockwise) signals into the SmartStep2 amplifier must be 5V TTL level compatible; as we are working with a 24VDC supply, these levels must be ‘dropped’ using 2KΩ resistors, to prevent damage to the input circuitry. It is recommended to solder (and heatshrink protect) your own 2KΩ resistors in series with the CW and CCW connections.


(Please refer to the diagram below for more wiring details)

1. Cut-back about 25cm of the outer sheathing and braiding from the R7A-CPB001S control I/O cable.
2. Separate the YELLOW (1 RED BAND) and YELLOW (1 BLACK BAND) wires, twist these together and connect them (via a screw-terminal block or solder) to the +24V terminal of the S8VS power supply.
3. Separate the GREY (3 BLACK BANDS), WHITE (3 BLACK BANDS), ORANGE (1 RED BAND), GREY (2 RED BANDS) and GREY (2 BLACK BANDS) wires, twist these together and connect them (via a screw-terminal block or solder) to the 0V terminal of the S8VS power supply.
4. Connect the ORANGE (3 RED BANDS) wire to input 0.06 – this is the ‘Z’ output from the servomotor encoder, used to datum the system.
5. Connect the PINK (1 RED BAND) wire to input 1.04 – this is the ‘ALARM’ signal (normally closed) which indicates that the system is in error.
6. Connect the PINK (1 BLACK BAND) wire to input 1.05 – this is the ‘IN POSITION’ signal which indicates that the drive has completed its move successfully.
7. Cut the GREY (3 RED BANDS) wire and connect to one side of the resistor. Connect the off-cut of this cable to the other side of the resistor module, then to output 100.00 – this is the ‘CLOCKWISE PULSES’ command signal.
8. Cut the WHITE (3 RED BANDS) wire and connect to one side of the resistor. Connect the off-cut of this cable to the other side of the resistor module, then to output 100.01 – this is the ‘COUNTER CLOCKWISE PULSES’ command signal.
9. Connect the GREY (1 BLACK BAND) wire to output 100.04 – this is the ‘ERROR COUNTER RESET’ signal which resets the drive’s internal following error counter in the event of a fault caused by this.
10. Connect the ORANGE (1 BLACK BAND) wire to output 100.06 – this is the ‘RUN’ command signal to the drive.
11. Connect the GREY (1 RED BAND) wire to output 100.07 – this is the ‘RESET’ signal to the drive, to be used after an error.

SmartStep2 servo amplifier to PLC wiring (PNP configuration for CP1L-M30DT1-D model)


(Please refer to the diagram below for more wiring details)

1. Cut-back about 25cm of the outer sheathing and braiding from the R7A-CPB001S control I/O cable.
2. Separate the ORANGE (1 RED BAND), WHITE (3 RED BANDS) and GREY (3 RED BANDS) wires, twist these together and connect them (via a screw-terminal block or solder) to the +24V terminal of the S8VS power supply.
3. Separate the YELLOW (1 RED BAND), YELLOW (1 BLACK BAND), GREY (2 RED BANDS) and GREY (2 BLACK BANDS) wires, twist these together and connect them (via a screw-terminal block or solder) to the 0V terminal of the S8VS power supply.
4. Connect the ORANGE (3 RED BANDS) wire to input 0.06 – this is the ‘Z’ output from the servomotor encoder, used to datum the system.
5. Connect the PINK (1 RED BAND) wire to input 1.04 – this is the ‘ALARM’ signal (normally closed) which indicates that the system is in error.
6. Connect the PINK (1 BLACK BAND) wire to input 1.05 – this is the ‘IN POSITION’ signal which indicates that the drive has completed its move successfully.
7. Cut the GREY (3 BLACK BANDS) wire and connect to one side of the resistor. Connect the off-cut of this cable to the other side of the resistor module, then to output 100.00 – this is the ‘CLOCKWISE PULSES’ command signal.
8. Cut the WHITE (3 BLACK BANDS) wire and connect to one side of the resistor. Connect the off-cut of this cable to the other side of the resistor module, then to output 100.01 – this is the ‘COUNTER CLOCKWISE PULSES’ command signal.
9. Connect the GREY (1 BLACK BAND) wire to output 100.04 – this is the ‘ERROR COUNTER RESET’ signal which resets the drive’s internal following error counter in the event of a fault caused by this.
10. Connect the ORANGE (1 BLACK BAND) wire to output 100.06 – this is the ‘RUN’ command signal to the drive.
11. Connect the GREY (1 RED BAND) wire to output 100.07 – this is the ‘RESET’ signal to the drive, to be used after an error.

SmartStep2 servo amplifier to PLC wiring (NPN configuration for CP1L-M30DT-D model)


The CP1 models with transistor outputs support a variety of servo control methods using dedicated PLC instructions. These simple instructions serve as the basis for many motion solutions when applied correctly. Jogging, Homing, Relative and Absolute moves offer a variety of motion control options for simple and relatively complex machines. The following instructions are used in the CX-Programmer example provided:

  • ORG(889) - Origin Search Operation

ORG(889) performs an origin search or origin return operation.
Origin Search: Pulses are output using the specified method to actually drive the motor and establish the origin based on origin proximity input and origin input signals.
Origin Return: The positioning system is returned to the pre-established origin.

  • SPED(885) - Speed Output

SPED(885) is used to set the output pulse frequency for a specific port and start pulse output without acceleration or deceleration. 

  • INI(880) - Mode Control

In this example, INI(880) is used to stop pulse output

  • MOV(021), MOVL(498) - Move, Move Long 

Transfer word(s) of data to the specified words.

  • PLS2(887) - Pulse Output

PLS2(887) outputs a specified number of pulses to the specified port. Pulse output starts at a specified startup frequency, accelerates to the target frequency at a specified acceleration rate, decelerates at the specified deceleration rate, and stops at approximately the same frequency as the startup frequency. 

*see the attachments for more details on the instructions used. These descriptions only pertain to the included example, but further functionality is available.

The provided CX-Programmer example includes full documentation of symbols and comments to explain the functionality of bits, instructions and sections.


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Created 2012-03-12
Modified 2014-03-21
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