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Using 3D Simulation In Sysmac Studio

Sysmac Studio's 3D Simulation offers a programmer the opportunity to see the physical movement and machine sequence that is a direct result of the code and configuration they choose to implement. Sysmac Studio not only gives you the power to simulate the machine, it provides an easy and light weight interface that anyone can use.

Sysmac Studio provides common machine models like X-Y-Z orthogonal robots, rotary motion and conveyors. All models are customisable to match your unique machine setup. Create a program sequence in one of the available IEC 61131-3 programming environments, build a machine model, push play and watch your new machine come to life. The simulation results are recorded in a data trace file, allowing closer examination of the performance to guarantee proper operation. Previously simulated results can also be imported/exported for comparison to actual run-time performance. The 3D model operation can be saved to an AVI file for simple viewing of the motion concept for other users. Combining 3D motion simulation with the CPU emulator gives the programmer utilities to assess the correct sequencing, optimum path control, minimum execution time and other critical operations. As a result, the gap between machine concept and operation is dramatically reduced.

To download a customer success story involving simulation with Sysmac Studio, click the link below to access Omron's packaging solutions area.

This tutorial details the basic steps to create a project and run a 3D simulation for a single axis motion application using Ladder Logic programming.

Intro of Steps

 Configuration and Setup
Simple program creation
Data Trace configuration

(Program version of Sysmac Studio is 1.0)

The following detailed steps can be followed after creating a new project in Sysmac Studio.

1. Under the Configuration and Setup header, open the EtherCAT configuration and add a servo drive to the EtherCAT Master.

2. In the Motion Control Setup, right click Axis Settings and "add -> Axis Setting". Then open MC_Axis000(0) for configuration settings.

3. In the Axis Basic Settings, the Axis Type should be set to "Servo Axis". The input device should be set to the slave added to the EtherCAT master (i.e. "Node: 1 Device: R88D-KN01H-ECT).


4. In the Unit Conversion settings, choose units of mm and set the work travel per motor rotation to a simple and practical value (ie. 10mm/rev). These values will be important when creating the program later regarding commanded speed, distance, acceleration and deceleration.

5. In the Operation Settings, reduce the max. velocity to something realistic (ie. 400 mm/s), the max. jog to less (ie. 40mm/s). In the Homing Settings reduce the Homing Compensation Velocity to less (ie. 200mm/s). Other settings can be changed but are not necessary for simulation.

6. Create a simple program and variables. Start with registering global variables needed for the required function blocks used (MC_Power, MC_MoveAbsolute and MC_MoveRelative) and control bits.
Recommended variables needed for Function Blocks:

7. Create the ladder logic program shown below:

8. Under the Configuration and Setup header, right click Data Trace Settings and add a Data Trace.

9. Open the new DataTrace0 to make configuration settings as follows;

  • Check enable trigger condition and enter the created variable "Enable_Axis000". This variable will start the trace and simulation function when it meets the conditions set here.
  • Change the sampling interval to time. The sampling interval is not a critical setting.
  • Check "refresh charts during tracing".

The "Show Configuration" icon can then be deselected to hide these settings.

10. Click the 3D icon.

11. Click display 3D equipment model menu and select Add. Select "Single axis position control" from type dropdown. Click OK to build the model. Optionally, rotate and orient the view for a suitable angle.

12. Add watch window (View - Watch Tab Page) to allow control of the program and motion execution. Enter variables Enable_Axis000, Move_0_Execute, Move_0_Done, Move_1_Execute, Move_1_Done.
*Optionally, _MC_AX[0].Act.Pos can be added to monitor the actual position of the axis during simulation.

13. Begin the simulation by selecting Simulation - Run

14. Click Start Trace, then make true the Enable_Axis000 variable below in the watch tab. Make true the variable Move_1_Execute. This will result in a simulated motion move of 500mm that can be seen on the simulation window. Making true the Move_0_Execute variable will return the actuator position to 0.

15. When the simulation is satisfied, click the Stop button and the sampled data is transferred to the data trace for closer review. Pressing the Playback button will replay the sampled data.

Optionally, the simulated motion can be saved in a video file by clicking the REC icon during or before the motion is executed. The data can also be exported to a .csv file for numerical analysis of the motion.

(Record button)

(Export/Import buttons)

Additional details can be found in the Sysmac Studio Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504).


Simulation_Project.smc - Size: 953742

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Created 2012-01-02
Modified 2014-03-21
Views 14137


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