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Setting The IP-address Of A EJ1N-HFU-ETN

How do I change the IP address of the EJ1N-HFU-ETN? (Without a PROFINET IO Controller)

The EJ1N-HFU-ETN has no hardware settings like rotary or dip switches to change its IP-address. It has to be done through a software tool.

As the unit is a PROFINET IO Device its PROFINET name and IP-address can be edited with any PROFINET scan-tool. There is one included in the configuration tool for the CJ1W-PNT21 and can be used with the unit. The tool will go directly on the network to scan for PROFINET IO devices.

Use the following steps to configure the IP-address:
  1. Start Cx-ConfiguratorFDT.
  2. Insert a CJ1W-PNT21 in the network list.
  3. Open the CJ1W-PNT21 for configuration.
  4. First scan the network for devices and select the EJ1N-HFU-ETN you want to configure.
  5. Right-click the EJ1N-HFU-ETN you want to configure and select Set IP-Address
  6. Enter the IP-address you want to assign to the unit.
  7. Make sure you deselect Temporary Setting. Otherwise you will loose the IP-address when the device is rebooted.
  8. Select OK to set the IP-address.

The EJ1N-HFU-ETN can now be reached at this IP-address.

Unless you are using the EJ1N-HFU-ETN in Modbus/TCP standalone mode, do not un-check the Store settings temporarily option when setting an IP addresses for the EJ1N-HFU-ETN. Mixing permanent and dynamically assigned IP addresses in a system can easily result in IP address conflicts. IP address conflicts cause all sorts of problems that are notoriously difficult to troubleshoot.

ps. In the example below a CJ1W-PNT21 PROFINET IO Controller is detected but for setting up the EJ1-HFUT-ETN this device is not needed.


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Created 2011-12-07
Modified 2012-05-04
Views 7408


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