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Sample Structure for NC482 Unit with MX2 Inverter


CJ2 Family PLC's support Structure data types which can be used to access the data areas in SIO units like the EtherCAT NC482.

Using the structure

To use this structure in a program:

  1. Open the attachment. When using Notepad, turn off "Word Wrap" 
  2. Copy the whole structure to the clipboard
  3. Paste into CX-Programmer's Data Type window (Note this is only available for CJ2 PLCs) 
  4. Open the IO Table and add the NC482 unit with the correct Unit address 
  5. Note the Setting Common Parameter of the CJ1W-NC482 Unit:

    First Word of Remote I/O Output Memory Area (e.g. [CIO 3800])

    First Word of Remote I/O Input Memory Area (e.g. [CIO 3900])  
  6. Create a new Global Symbol, of type STRUCT NC482COUT and set the physical address (e.g. to 3800)  
  7. Create a new Global Symbol, of type STRUCT NC482CIN and set the physical address (e.g. to 3900)
  8. The member variables of your new symbol can now be used in your programs to access the SIOU setup area



NC482_MX2.txt - Size: 2250

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Created 2011-07-13
Modified 2011-08-23
Views 3251


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