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Read and Write a Recipe Record Name in an NS HMI


Do you need to read and write Recipe Names/Records with the NS HMI? The standard implementation of the Data Block (Recipe) in CX-Designer does not provide the ability to store or read each Record Label Name in the CSV file, PLC , or NS memory areas. Although the user can input new names for each row in the data block, these names are not stored or read (as string data types for alphanumeric entry).

This article provides details for an easy method to allow reading and writing for a recipe entry name/record name as a string data type for manipulation in other NS screens, CSV files or PLC memory areas for example.

To see the benefits of the NS Recipe function on a real packaging machine, click the link below to access a machine case study in Omron's packaging area.



Note: This artice does not detail the basic steps for creation of a working data block table object in CX-Designer. See NS-Series Programming Manual (Cat. No. V073) for more information on Data Blocks. Additionally, this procedure also applies to NS-Runtime functionality.

Preliminary Information

A data block consists of records and fields as shown in the image above. The address and data format are set for each field. A record is a group of fields.

  1. Create a standard Data Block (Recipe) with the required fields.

  1. Reduce the width of the Record Label column to effectively hide this from view.

  1. Add a new column to the Data Block that will hold the name for each row/recipe entry. Make this data format a String type to allow entry of alphanumeric characters.


Now it is possible to read and write the first column as the Recipe Name. The data block will appear the same as a standard implementation but now the user can enter new Recipe names and this information will be stored and read along with the Recipe data itself.

The attached file provides an example of a standard Data Block and a modified Data Block as depicted in the article. 


NOTE: This article is intended to supplement official Omron documentation. The provided example should be thoroughly tested before implementation and may or may not function in specific applications. The user assumes full responsibility of the configuration, integration, performance and application of the provided example. For detailed information on the use and general configuration of Omron products, refer to official Omron manuals or contact your local Omron support representative. This article was created using features and software available in CX-One version 4.0.


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Created 2011-03-22
Modified 2014-03-07
Views 10574


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