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How To Solve Error "Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified" On 64 Bit Windows?

When connecting to databases on a 64 bit Windows machine you can receive the error "ODBC Driver Manager - Data source name not found and no default driver specified", like this example from CX-Supervisor:
Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified
This can be caused if you created a File DSN by launching the ODBC Manager from the Start menu. When you do this you're running the 64 bit version of the tool and 32 bit applications don't work with DSNs created in the 64-bit ODBC Manager, and will fail with the error above.
Create your File DSN using the 32 bit ODBC Manager using these steps:
  1. Open a Run window (by pressing Windows+R)
  2. Browse for file C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
  3. Press OK to launch the 32 bit ODBC Driver Manager
  4. Create your DSN file as required.  This DSN file will be compatible with 32 bit applications

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Created 2011-02-17
Modified 2011-02-18
Views 9142


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