This tutorial shows how you can program your PLC via the NS serial ports from a computer. To explain details of settings, procedures are described below with examples depending on the configuration. The values such as Serial Port of PC described below is system specific, so please set values in accordance with your actual environment. All software images were taken from CX-One version 4.
Programming a CS/CJ PLC via a serial connection with the NS Screen
The configuration below is the case to connect CX-Programmer to a PLC through an NS via Serial Port B.
Settings in NS
Connect the NS to the PLC via 1:N NT Link on PortA. No settings are required on PortB for this application.
Settings in PLC
Connect the PLC Serial port to the NS PortA via NT-Link(1:N). Configure the PLC settings using CX-Programmer, and click on "Host Link Port" and setup for NT-Link (1:N) as shown below. Check the PLC dip switch positions to ensure communication settings are utilized properly.
NOTE! Baud rate 115200 = "High-Speed" in the NS.
Settings in CX-Programmer
NOTE! The function we want can only be done when we do it through Auto Online. Can not be done from creating a new project.
1. Start up CX-Programmer. Then, select PLC - Auto Online Connection - Direct Online.
2. Select Serial connection on the Direct Online dialog. Choose which COMXX that is connected to the NS and click the Connect button.
3. Select the connecting target PLC dialog will appear. Select the connecting target PLC under Serial PortA and click the Connect button (ignoring that it says as below that the PC is connected through USB). CX-Programmer will go online to the target PLC and communications are established through the NS.