SmartSlice backup and restore function
The SmartSlice IO system supports easy backup and restore of parameters in SmartSlices. All is done by setting the appropriate switches. If there is a failure in either a SmartSlice or the buscoupler it is easy to replace them. Below the procedure for backing up and replacement of the buscoupler is described. Although the GRT1-PNT PROFINET IO Device buscoupler is mentioned it is applicable to all SmartSlice buscouplers.
With a backup present in the buscoupler and switch 3 ADR (Automatic Device Replacement) set a new slice of the same type as plugged before will get the backed up configuration from the buscoupler the moment it is inserted.To backup the configuration of the SmartSlices to a GRT1-PNT
- Ensure all GRT1-PNT DIP switches are OFF.
- Configure system with CX-Configurator FDT and get system running normally. After successful configuration, the RUN, UNIT PWR and TS LEDs will show steady green.
- Switch DIP sw 1 = ON to set the Registration of slices. Each time the GRT1-PNT is started it will check if the configuration of SmartSlices it finds is the same as it is now.
- Switch DIP sw 4 = ON --> OFF --> ON --> OFF within 3 seconds to start the Backup procedure. All parameters of all SmartSlices are now stored in the GRT1-PNT.
- TS LED will flash green for a few seconds (longer if many I/O slices) then return to steady green is the backup procedure has finished.
- Switch DIP sw 3 = ON (to enable Automatic Device Replacement function). With ADR ON a replacement SmartSlice will get the configuration from the GRT1-PNT as stored with the Backup function.
To copy the GRT1-PNT SmartSlice settings to a new one (or replace the GRT1-PNT with a new one in the field).
- Ensure all replacement GRT1-PNT DIP switches are OFF.
- Remove power to existing GRT1-PNT, and replace it with the replacement GRT1-PNT.
- Apply power.
- After approx. 10 seconds the replacement GRT1-PNT21 should show green RUN, UNIT PWR and TS LEDs, and red BF LED.
- Switch DIP sw 1 = ON.
- Switch DIP sw 4 = ON --> OFF --> ON --> OFF within 3 seconds to start the Backup procedure. All parameters of all SmartSlices are now stored in the GRT1-PNT.
- TS LED will flash green for a few seconds (longer if many I/O slices) then return to steady green.
- Switch DIP sw 3 = ON (to enable Automatic Device Replacement function).
- Cycle power to replacement GRT1-PNT (i.e. power OFF, then ON again).
- The replacement GRT1-PNT should now be in communication with the PROFINET IO Controller unit.