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How To Back Up And Restore SmartSlice Parameters

SmartSlice backup and restore function

The SmartSlice IO system supports easy backup and restore of parameters in SmartSlices. All is done by setting the appropriate switches. If there is a failure in either a SmartSlice or the buscoupler it is easy to replace them. Below the procedure for backing up and replacement of the buscoupler is described. Although the GRT1-PNT PROFINET IO Device buscoupler is mentioned it is applicable to all SmartSlice buscouplers.

With a backup present in the buscoupler and switch 3 ADR (Automatic Device Replacement) set a new slice of the same type as plugged before will get the backed up configuration from the buscoupler the moment it is inserted.To backup the configuration of the SmartSlices to a GRT1-PNT

  1. Ensure all GRT1-PNT DIP switches are OFF.
  2. Configure system with CX-Configurator FDT and get system running normally. After successful configuration, the RUN, UNIT PWR and TS LEDs will show steady green.
  3. Switch DIP sw 1 = ON to set the Registration of slices. Each time the GRT1-PNT is started it will check if the configuration of SmartSlices it finds is the same as it is now.
  4. Switch DIP sw 4 = ON --> OFF --> ON --> OFF within 3 seconds to start the Backup procedure. All parameters of all SmartSlices are now stored in the GRT1-PNT.
  5. TS LED will flash green for a few seconds (longer if many I/O slices) then return to steady green is the backup procedure has finished.
  6. Switch DIP sw 3 = ON (to enable Automatic Device Replacement function). With ADR ON a replacement SmartSlice will get the configuration from the GRT1-PNT as stored with the Backup function. 

To copy the GRT1-PNT SmartSlice settings to a new one (or replace the GRT1-PNT with a new one in the field).

  1. Ensure all replacement GRT1-PNT DIP switches are OFF.
  2. Remove power to existing GRT1-PNT, and replace it with the replacement GRT1-PNT.
  3. Apply power.
  4. After approx. 10 seconds the replacement GRT1-PNT21 should show green RUN, UNIT PWR and TS LEDs, and red BF LED.
  5. Switch DIP sw 1 = ON.
  6. Switch DIP sw 4 = ON --> OFF --> ON --> OFF within 3 seconds to start the Backup procedure. All parameters of all SmartSlices are now stored in the GRT1-PNT.
  7. TS LED will flash green for a few seconds (longer if many I/O slices) then return to steady green.
  8. Switch DIP sw 3 = ON (to enable Automatic Device Replacement function).
  9. Cycle power to replacement GRT1-PNT (i.e. power OFF, then ON again).
  10. The replacement GRT1-PNT should now be in communication with the PROFINET IO Controller unit.

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Created 2009-12-16
Modified 2009-12-16
Views 4648


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