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Connecting NQ Terminal To MX2 Inverter


Below steps describe the connection of a NQ HMI terminal to a MX2 inverter.

Hardware needed
  • NQ3 or NQ5 ( Use COM1)
  • MX2 inverter.
Cable connections

NQ              MX2
1,4               SP
8,9               SN

If NQ needs to be terminated, be aware to use a 200 ohm resistor to match the MX2 internal termination resistor.

NQ designer setup
  • Create a new program and select the NQ terminal used.
  • Select at COM1 tab , Modbus RTU (Master, 1 Word) protocol and set communications parameters.
  • ADD Node - a program is now created.
  • Go to taglist and add tag , select modbus RTU, select Holding register 0003 (= inverter status A) and click OK
  • Goto screen 1 and add a numeral input and select tag address 40003
  • Download application AND firmware to the NQ terminal.
MX2 parameter settings

Open manual I114-EN-01 and go to section B2. Here are the parameters that need to be set to make sure MX2 is able to communicate. Match the parameters of MX2 inverter to the settings in the NQ terminal. After changing the settings recycle power of the MX2. If parameters are set properly communication between NQ and MX2 is established. When adding more tags in the NQ please note that addressing in MX2 is in HEX format and in NQ INT format.  (example (000AH (MX2)= 10 (NQ)


Attached MX2.nqp file shows example how to connect to MX2. Set  following settings in MX2 and recycle power:

A001: 3
A002: 3
C071: 10
C072: 1
C074: 01
C075: 1
C076: 02


MX2.nqp - Size: 259954

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Created 2009-10-30
Modified 2011-07-05
Views 12568


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