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Resolving ZX Sensor Driver Error During Installation

The ZX Sensor Driver is included with several software products like CX-Sensor, CX-One and CX-Supervisor. With different installations of different versions it possible to get installation errors when installing new versions.
If you are getting errors installing ZX Sensor Driver while installing your product, follow these steps to correct:

1. Launch CX-Server Driver Management Tool (from "Control Panel->CX-Server Driver Mgt Tool" or "Start->Programs->Omron->CX-Server->Driver Management Tool")
2. Make a note of what is installed. If "ZX Sensor Driver" is already installed, select it and click "Remove" to uninstall it (follow any screen prompts to uninstall).
3. If ZX Sensor Driver was not even installed, so did not need to be uninstalled, jump to step (6)
4. If ZX Sensor Driver was removed, then you can try installing the product again. With the old driver removed manually the new version should be installed successfully.
5. If there is still an installing error during (4), first repeat steps (1) and (2) to remove it again. Then manually install as per steps (6), (7) and (8) below.
6. Launch CX-Server Driver Management Tool again, and Click "Add" to install the driver manually.
7. Browse to the CX-One Disk, to folder "\ZX-Sensor Device Driver" to install the version shipped.
8. Once successfully completed, rerun the product installation which will now succeed as the new ZX Sensor Driver is installed already


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Created 2009-07-09
Modified 2009-07-09
Views 10292


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