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Example Of A Zero Origin Search Program For CQM1 Hardware

1. 1-axis configuration:
The arrangement of the CW and CCW limit switch (limit signal left and right) and the near zero-limit switch for the 1-axis positioning example the spindle drive:
|---- CW limit --------------------------------------------- Near Origin --------------CCW limit ---|

2. Definition of Zero Search
1) The zero Origin Search is done at the edge of limit s / w of CCW limit
2) Origin of the zero location is triggered by Origin Near limit s / w turning off

3. Operation
1)Between the tool close to the zero-switch and CW limit switch
If the near zero-limit switch is approached, it is at the speed of 2000 p / s to 100 p / s.

2) Tool between zero and near-limit switch-CCW limit switch

3) Tool at near zero-limit switch

3. I / O signals
0001 = CCW limit switch
0002 = CW limit switch
0008 = close to zero
Over 0010 = Heat input
0012 = reset feedback signal
0013 = Tip-link input operation run (CW)
0014 = Tip-operation input Clockwise (CCW)
0015 = command 'zero search'
1001 = Current Output OFF
1002 = Heat Over displayname
1008 = Zero Search
1009 = zero found
1600 = CCW Tip-stop operation
1601 = CW Operation Tip Stop
1602 = Zero-Stop Search

4. PLC settings:
1) pulse output operation DM6611 = 0001
2) Pulse Setting the Interface 1: Linear mode, standard pulse output, only software reset = DM6643 # 0012
3) The words 233 and 232 in I / O memory area of the PLC include the counter value
4) settings for the origin Search:
DM0000 = # 0005 (Acceleration = 50 pulse / 4.08ms)
DM0001 = # 0200 (zero-speed search k = 2 pulse / sec)
DM0002 = # 0005 (braking = 50 pulse / 4.08ms)
DM0003 = # 0010 (zero-search convergence speed = 100 pulse / sec)

5. Attached Zero search, PLC program below.


CQorg.swp - Size: 9472

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Created 2009-06-11
Modified 2009-06-11
Views 5481


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