Interrupt input IN0 is for the sensor,
Output 2 for the adhesive valve,
Fast Counter 1 on ring mode is set to the value & 15000, the adopted distance between sensor and valve is & 15000 pulses.
The counter is always reset at 15,000, and compared with the table. CTBL has only one target and when 15,000 is reached the Interrupt Task 10 called. Then the 2 (valve) start is set.
1) in the section where Pulse Pulse is a constant, the conveyor moves. The network "start of the continuous ramp with Pulse." The Pulse will automatically start.
2) in the section "cam switch" is where everything settled and various states are considered, depending on how many parts on the conveyor belt between the sensor and valve adhesive and at what position.
3) the interrupt input (sensor) is in the section "MSKS_Input_Interrupt_enable" automatically activated.
4) the interrupt input (sensor) calls the task "Interrupt_Input_0_camshaftgear" on.
To learn more about PLC-based motion control and interrupt usage in specific applications such as packaging, visit the machine case study link below in the packaging solutions area.