Below is a list of file extensions used by OMRON software.
ABK | CX-Supervisor (older versions / pre-unicode 1.3) Alarm- Error log |
ADR | SYSWIN Text address symbols |
AHD | SYSWIN 1.x/PMD address index file (not used in SYSWIN 3.x) |
ALG | CX-Supervisor (older versions / pre-unicode 1.3) Alarm- Error log |
BAS | TrajeXia Tools(Motion Perfect 2) (Program file) |
BCF | CX-Simulator Break Condition file |
C5B | CX-Programmer C500/C120/CxxP Backup File |
CDM | CX-Server project file. Saved by CX-Programmer or auto generated by CX-Supervisor Developer to configure CX-Server to communicate with the configured PLCs - this should not be shared with other applications that also use CDM files. |
CDT | CXP(Data trace) |
CFB | FlowConv backup file |
CIN | CX-Integrator Project file |
CIR | CVSS(Program Partial save) |
CIO | FSS(I/O label) |
CL2 | CLKSS-V2, CX-NET (CLK data link table) |
CL3 | CX-NET(CLK data link table) |
CLK | CLKSS Data link table |
CMT | CVSS(I/O comment) , CX-Programmer comment file, FDI comment, CX-Process comment |
CNE | CompoNet Tool Plugin Module setting file |
CNF | Profibus configuration |
COD | CVSS(Program all save) |
CPF | CompoNet Tool project |
CPR | CX-Profibus file, CX-Configurator FDT |
CPT | CPT(Project) |
CSF | CX-Simulator Command Log Setting |
CSM, CSM2 | Compact Sysmac Studio project. Excludes non essential data like built object code and data traces for a smaller file size |
CUS | CVSS(Customize infor.) |
CXD | Databse Update File for CX-Drive |
CXF | CX-Programmer IEC FB Library, CX-Programmer FB Library |
CXI | CX-Programmer IEC Project |
CXO | CXP Option setting |
CXP | CXP (Project) |
CXR | CXP (Reused File) |
CXT | CXP(Text) |
DAR | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Auxiliary relays) |
DCB | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Counter flag bits for CV) |
DCP | SYSWIN Data Display Files (CV CPU data) |
DCV | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Counter values for CV) |
DDM | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Data memory area) |
DEM | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Expansion DM area) |
DFC | SYSWIN Data force file |
DHR | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Holding relays) |
DIB | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Timer flag bits for CV) |
DIO | SYSWIN Data Display Files (I/O and internal relays) |
DIV | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Timer values for CV) |
DLR | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Link relays) |
DLV | CX-Supervisor Data Log Viewer file containing logs from an application for the Data Log Viewer to read. |
DM | FSS(DM data) |
DMD | CVSS(DM all save) |
DMS | FDI DM data |
DTR | CVSS(Data trace) |
DSP | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Step flags for CV series) |
DST | SYSWIN Data Set file |
DTB | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Timer/counter flag bits for C series) |
DTN | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Transition flags for CV series) |
DTV | SYSWIN Data Display Files (Timer/counter values for C series) |
E5N | ThermoToolsFile(E5N) |
E5R | ThermoToolsFile(E5R) |
EBK | CX-Supervisor (older versions / pre-unicode 1.3) Alarm- Error log |
EDS | DeviceNet EDS |
ELG | CX-Supervisor (older versions / pre-unicode 1.3) Alarm- Error log |
EST | CX-Thermo file |
EZN | ThermoToolsFile(E5ZN) |
FBD | Function Block File (Network Configurator) |
FLO | FSS(Flow support V3) |
FMS | FDI File memory |
FLB | Flow support software Super library file (Program) |
FLG | CX-Simulation Command Log File |
FLN | CX-FL-Net setting file |
G6D | NTS |
G6G | (G6D G6G G6M G6S G6T) |
GR2 | Fuzzy Support Tool (Logging data file for C200H rule grade) |
GR5 | Fuzzy Support Tool (Logging data file for C500 rule grade) |
IO2 | Fuzzy Support Tool (Logging data file for C200H I/O data) |
IO5 | Fuzzy Support Tool (Logging data file for C500 I/O data) |
IOM | CV IOM data setting file |
IOT | CVSS(I/O table) |
LDT | FSS(Data link table) |
LDP | CV Partial Ladder Program file |
LED | D-Net Safty FBL Logic |
LNK | CVSS(Program link parameter) |
M2D | NTS |
M2G | NTS |
M2M | NTS |
M2S | NTS |
M2T | NTS |
M6D | NTS |
M6G | NTS |
M6M | NTS |
M6S | NTS |
M6T | NTS |
MAC | CX-P Short Cut key allocation |
MCA | MCSS(Position data) |
MCI | CX-Motion V2 project file |
MCP | MCSS(G program) |
MCQ | MCSS(parameter) |
MCS | CX-Motion Script file |
MCX | CX-Motion V1 project file |
MEM | CXP(PC memory) |
MIL | MC-Miel Data file |
MMI | NTST Memory map image file |
MNF | CX-Motion NCF File |
mtbd | CX-Process Block wiring information |
mtld | CX-Process Nmemonics / Ladder information file |
MUL | CX-Process Multi Node file |
NCF | D-Net Safty ConfiguratorConfiguration |
NCI | CX-Position project file |
NCM | NCT(data) |
NCL | NCT project for C500-NCxxx |
NSL | CXD (SAP library) |
NTZ | NTZ-Designer |
NPF | Configurator V2 Network config file |
NPP | NP-Designer |
NVF | Network Configurator V3 |
NVP | CX-Supervisor Non Volatile Points file - used to store the values of non-volatile points when the application is not running. |
NXD | NetXServerDDE setting file |
OBJ | CV UM object file, FDI User program memory, CS_CJ Object file |
ONW | NTST Screen data |
PAG | CX-Supervisor / Developer Page file - linked to project file and can be added to a project in Developer/. |
PCN | CVSS(PC symbol) |
PMF | CPT,SYSWIN(Text mata file) |
PRG | SYSWIN 1.x/PMD program file |
&.PRG | SYSWIN 1.x/PMD network comment file |
PRM | SIOU simple backup file. NCW152 Parameters |
PSW | PST project |
PT1 | PSS(protocol data) |
PT2 | PSS(All protocol + System setting) |
PTR | PSS Trace |
PSS | PSS System setting |
PZM | NT-XS application |
REC | CX-Supervisor Recipe information |
RT2 | CX-Net SYSNET Routing table |
RT3 | CX-Net Fins Network Routing table |
RTG | CVSS,CX-NET(Routing table) |
SBA | SwitchBox Utility (AddressFile) |
SBL | CVSS(I/O name) |
SBT | SwitchBox Utility (for NS) |
SCS | CX-Supervisor Developer project File - loaded into CX-Supervisor Developer to edit your application |
SD1 | SSS(Data trace) |
SD2 | SSS(Step trace) |
SD3 | SSS(Time chart mon) |
SDB | SYSMAC OPC Server Tag setting file |
SDD | CX-Drive Parameter file, Sysdrive configurator parameter file |
SDMGR | Safety Device manager (Safty Light curtain setup software) New |
SDT | SYSWIN Data Trace file |
SDW | CX-Drive Work Space |
SE1 | Extended enhouse instruction table |
SIN | Mulfunction diagnostics support software data file |
SJB | CX-Process Job information registration file |
SL1 | SSS(Partial program) |
SL3 | CX-NET(SLK data link table) |
SL4 | SSS(DM partial saved data) |
SMC. SMC2 | Sysmac Studio exported project file |
SMR | NE1A Logic Simulator file |
SN2 | SSS(SNT data link table) |
SN3 | CX-NET(SNT data link table) |
SNT | CVSS(SNT data link table) |
SNW | CX-Sensor Workspace |
SP1 | SSS(Program total) |
SP5 | SSS(I/O table) |
SP6 | SSS(DM all save) |
SP7 | SSS(PC system setting) |
SPT | MPTST screen data |
SRT | Old SYSMAC-SCS Runtime Application - run by SCS.EXE to run the application |
SR2 | CX-Supervisor v1.0 -> v3.3 Runtime Application - run by SCS.EXE to run the application |
SR3 | CX-Supervisor v3.4 Runtime Application - run by SCS.EXE to run the application |
stbl | CX-Process Sequnce table file |
STC | SYSWIN Time chart file |
STP | FSS(Step trace) |
SWB | SYSWIN 2.x/3.x backup file |
SWN | SYSWIN 1.x project file |
SWP | SYSWIN 2.x/3.x program file |
SWR | SYSWIN routing tables |
SWT | SYSWIN 3.x template file |
SYM | CX-Programmer Symbol file |
tbu | CX-P Print setting file |
TCD | NE1A Logic Simulator file Time Chart Monitor file |
TR | FSS(data trace) |
UAB | CX-Supervisor backup of alarm log. When the UAL log reaches its max specified size it will back up to here and start again on empty UAL |
UAL | WMON Win Ver.1.0 Parameter file (R88D-UA/R88D-UP) |
UAL | CX-Supervisor Alarm log |
UDT | CX-Supervisor Translation Tool project file - loaded into the translation tool to translate applications |
UEB | CX-Supervisor backup of event/error log. When the UEL log reaches its max specified size it will back up to here and start again on empty UEL |
UEL | CX-Supervisor Event/Error log |
UEP | WMON Win Ver.1.0 Parameter file (R88D-UEP) |
UM | FSS(UM file) |
UPC | CX-P(Unit Comment) |
UTH | WMON Win Ver.1.0 Parameter file (R88D-UT) |
VEC | NSD/CXD SAP Vector file |
xml | CPS file for CX-Programmer V6 or later |
YSM | WMON Win Ver.1.0 Wave form trace file |
YSP | WMON Win Ver.1.0 Parameter file |