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Function Blocks For MODBUS Communication With The 3G3MV and V7.

Function blocks for modbus communication through serial cards (SCU and SCB) and the serial of PLC CP1. Some FBs are specific for use with Inverter V7 and 3G3MV. The read/write parameter FB can be used on any device. The FB for inverters can be used on all the inverters that have a a similar Modbus registries structure to that of the V7.

NEW V1.1 This new version supports PLC CP1 and the inner board cards (SCB) of the CS1.

  • For use with CP1L and CP1H PLCs, to set up the number of unit (Unit_n) to the value #CCCC and to set up the number of door (Serial_port_n) to the corresponding value.


  • For use with the inner board of the CS1, to set up the number of unit (Unit_n) to the value #EEEE and to set up the number of door (Serial_port_n) to the corresponding value.

Download the zip file for function block source from the attachment

1. Generic writing in Modbus with command 10H
2. Writing control and speed of the inverter. (control = reg 01, speed = reg 02)
3. Generic reading in Modbus with command 03H
4. Reading of the word of state for 3G3MV and V7
5. Formulation multispeed + jog for 3G3MV and V7
6. Write command of in EEPROM for 3G3MV and V7
7. Reset of the errors

NOTE: Set up the timeout of the serial gateway to 2000 milliseconds or less.


fb_modbus_v11_CJ1.cxp - Size: 30628
Modbus_Fault_Reset.cxf - Size: 3403

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Created 2009-05-18
Modified 2009-08-18
Views 29304


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