What is myOMRON?
myOMRON is an after sales service & support platform designed to bring you the knowledge you need. It is built using the knowledge from our experts in Industrial Automation and constantly growing as we develop. At Omron we want to help you, our customers, build the best machine control solutions possible - our expertise and experience can help you achieve this.
To view the whole brochure click here or for more general information on myOMRON see the following topics:
myKnowledge is a fantastic pan-european resource full of support materials such as FAQs, technical notes, white papers, examples, and much more. Based on years of experience from our engineers, its designed to help you develop your Omron solution. myKnowledge is continually growing - fed directly from the support we provide to you, our customers.
For more information see the following topics:
myQuestions allows you to interact with our engineers via an online helpdesk. With a team of myOmron engineers right across Europe you can be sure that your questions will be answered! Registered users can take full advantage of myQuestions if they can’t find the answer in myKnowledge. Entering a question gives the possibility for engineers anywhere in Omron to give you support & advice.
For more information see the following topics: