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Registering In myOMRON

Becoming a registered user within myOMRON will allow you the ability to ask questions and receive responses from the many myOMRON engineers.

If you want to register as a user with myOMRON and enjoy some of the benefits this affords then click on the 'Register' link on the main page.

You are then presented with separate form fields requiring you to input your name, username (which will be displayed on posted questions and comments), email address and password. If you do not wish to choose your own password, simply click on the blue hyperlink marked 'Generate' and the system will determine a password for you.

Click on the 'Register' button once all fields are completed.


You will see a message informing you that an email confirming your registration has been sent to the address that you supplied on the registration page. You can not log in to the system until you have received your email confirmation and followed the instructions within it. Once you have confirmed your registration you may log in using the 'Login' box on the left hand side navigation menu.

IMPORTANT: If you do not receive your confirmation email, it is probably being filtered by Anti-Spam software. Check your email client's Spam or Junk Mail folder. If you use an Anti-Spam tool (or Anti-virus or Anti-Adware tool that includes email scanning) make sure you have upgraded to the latest definitions database. If you have a corporate spam filter, ask your administrator to update the definitions. If you still do not receive the email, try resending the activation again. If you continue to have problems, try registering with a different email address for example a free hotmail, gmail or other webmail based service. If you still cannot get registered, contact the myOMRON web admin using the Contact Us form on the main page.

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Created 2009-01-26
Modified 2009-05-22
Views 38996


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