To email an article from the knowledgebase to yourself or to a friend, click on the 'Email' icon in the top toolbar of the article you are viewing.
A page will appear entitled 'Email this Article'. Simply fill in your name, email address and those of your friend in the supplied text boxes. There is a further field for any optional text message you would like to send. When you have filled in all of the information, click on the send button.
It is not necessary to reference the article because a link for the article will automatically be included within the message field.
A page will appear entitled 'Email this Article'. Simply fill in your name, email address and those of your friend in the supplied text boxes. There is a further field for any optional text message you would like to send. When you have filled in all of the information, click on the send button.
It is not necessary to reference the article because a link for the article will automatically be included within the message field.