Industrial Automation
Industrial Automation | Europe


CX-Supervisor version 3.3 update has been released.

We have launched a new version of CX-Supervisor software (version 3.3). 

What's new

1. The new Omron Industrial PC devices are supported (i.e. NYB, NYP and NY5).
2. The SYSMAC Gateway Troubleshooter (i.e. Event Log tool) can now be launched from CX-Supervisor applications, making it possible to analyse real-time issues with NJ, NX and NY devices. Runtime access to the Troubleshooter is configurable like all other runtime features.
3. The following new System Points are supported, which are only applicable to NY devices:
◦$CPUTemp - a value that reflects the NY device's CPU temperature.
◦$Fan1Speed - a value that reflects the NY device's Fan1 speed.
◦$Fan2Speed - a value that reflects the NY device's Fan2 speed.
◦$FanWarning - a flag that indicates the status of the NY device's fans.
◦$OnUPS - a flag that indicates if the NY device is being powered by a UPS.
◦$RTCBatteryLow - a flag that indicates if the NY device's battery is low.
◦$ShutdownReason - a value that indicates why the NY device shutdown.
◦$IsNYDevice - a flag that indicates if the current device is an NY device.

4.  The following new Functions are supported, which are only applicable to NY devices.
o SetNYLED - allows the 'Run Mode LED' or 'Error LED' to be turned on or blinked at various speeds (only applicable to NYB and NYP devices).
o LaunchTroubleshooter - launches the SYSMAC Gateway Troubleshooter (i.e. the Event Log viewer).

5. CX-Supervisor provides the ability to save runtime projects as version 3.2 (i.e. SR2 files), so they can be loaded into the CX-Supervisor 3.2 runtime application.

Registered users can download the installer image from the European Software Download Centre.

See also:
Which Operating Systems Does CX-Supervisor Support?
What Is The CX-Supervisor and SYSMAC-SCS Dongles Compatibility?
How Do I Register My Software?

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